What do lesbians prefer?


Occasional visitor
Apr 1, 2002
Yes, I know I'm wearing out the New Thread button. The question is this (still referring to the story I'm rewriting, etc, etc.) what do lesbians prefer to see in lesbian love scenes? Is it toys, tongues, strap ons, fingers or a combination of the above?

The Earl
hey as a bisexual I like reading tongues and fingers, preferably at the same time...oooh...yummmy
KillerMuffin said:
Research. Read lesbian stories written by lesbians.

How does one know which lesbian stories were written by a lesbian? :confused:

Even I have written a lesbian story, and I am not a lesbian. Man and boy, I have not been a lesbian. :eek:

But, how is any reader to know that? I may even be a lying, semi-literate dog. :rolleyes:
Usually, if you want to know what a lesbian prefers, you ask a lesbian if you aren't one. Has nothing to do with writing.

And you go to the member search page.


And you choose "female" with the sexual orientation of "gay" and press the Search Members button.

You'll get a huge list of lesbians. In the right hand column you'll notice numbers. The ones with 00 have no submissions. The ones with numbers have submissions. Click on the name of the ones with stories and read.

Makes sense to me. Especially since there's a dearth of actual lesbians on this forum.
I'd assume that lesbians (as well as gay men and hetero couples) all prefer different things. To ask any specific member of said group only enlightens you on what that specific member enjoys and not, unfortunately, what is indicative of the group's desires in general.
And everything everybody enters into their profile is from their sworn affidavit. :rolleyes:

I even believe the part about their being a 'Virgin". ;)
That's like asking what sorts of stories straight guys prefer.

Some lesbians don't like reading about anything cock-like, others do. There's no really good general statement you can make about what anyone writes other than write a good story and people (all kinds of people) will read it.
Quasimodem said:
And everything everybody enters into their profile is from their sworn affidavit. :rolleyes:

ohhh Quasi! does that rolleyes smilie mean you really are not an illegal alien?

my hopes are dashed!

The Earl said:
what do lesbians prefer to see in lesbian love scenes?

why, other lesbians of course! ;)
twisting the question

for that matter, what do straight women like to see in lesbian scenes, assuming they like them at all? ( in my wife's case, that depends how much wine she's had ;) )
I hate lesbian scenes in porn movies because they're usually all vaguely violent to each other. Their movements and facial expressions are fierce and forceful. What's that all about?

I like reading lesbian stories, when they're skillfully written, of course. There was a good one in the Halloween contest that someone here recommended. A night in a haunted house as a dare...? Can't remember the title or author.

Earl, I think that's a good point. Lesbians will have different preferences. Just write what's true to you and your characters. If you do that, you can't fail.
It's not just the sex you should include. I get incredibly aroused just meeting someone who might be a sexual partner. The meeting, the drive to their/my placem, whereever, the look in their eyes, the connection or understanding that occurs, undressing together or not -- any or all of these are enough to get me off, if the description and pacing work.

Best of luck.
- Judo
I got feedback stressing at one of my character's use of a strap-on in the previous incarnation of this story, saying that she would have preferred to see more fingers and tongues rather than toys. so I was hoping to get some lesbian input from here.

KM: I'm in a cyber cafe and, although I can get onto the board, I'm not comfortable with opening up erotica when there may be people watching over my shoulder. Otherwise I would research.

Paranoid? Moi?

The Earl
TheEarl said:

I'm not comfortable with opening up erotica when there may be people watching over my shoulder. Otherwise I would research.

Paranoid? Moi?

The Earl

but, it might be a great way to meet people- perhaps other erotica fans!
Yes, WSO, I am alien, but a paranoid one. :eek:

I've seen "Plan Nine From Outer Space" once too often. :(
Hi, Earl!

As a lesbian, I would have to agree with the others on this forum who say that opinion varies! Just write a wonderful story and make the characters believable - make them real women, not just Baywatch babes :p

Doing the research........


I did exactly what KM recommended Earl. When I decided to write "The butterfly Boutique" written from a woman's (lesbians) point of view, I had to get enough insight from someone who knew what she was talking about, and enjoyed reading. I contacted a few, and had one writer (Leslie) who became not only a good friend, but a wonderful source of insight and information.

It might be interesting as well as a challenge to want to write about something we don't have first hand knowledge of, but unless you spend the time doing just that....the "no knowledge of" part comes out in the story...

I remain,

Jeeeeeeesh, Earl, this question is just about the same as asking us what we do for sex!!!!!! Just a hint for you, we’ve lesbians, which means we are women, as opposed to being men, get that, we like lots and lots of foreplay. You do know what foreplay is don’t you, for me it’s starts with my lips, no not those lips, the ones on my face!

Truthfully it starts even before the first kiss, you want to interest us, write about the emotional, if all you care about is pretending your a lesbian, and for some strange reason you get off on turning other men on, then it really doesn’t matter what we like, does it?

I would imagine that just about anything would work, I for one like to be tied up once and a while. Of course being tied up can mean different things in itself, for me it’s about trust. We even roll play sometimes. During sex, or love making, I assume if you make love your in love, just about anything goes, as long as it does not involve a cock, you know that thing hanging between your legs.

I realize that the concept of having sex without that thing hanging between your legs is alien. As strange as this may sound, we are women, lesbian or heterosexual, we don’t have one of those, our personal focus during sex in not on a penis. Try to think, if you can, about making love without that thingy, or better yet make love without using that penis of yours. Think only about your partners pleasure, about her orgasms, if you do that you’ll figure it all out.
TheEarl said:

I'm in a cyber cafe and, although I can get onto the board, I'm not comfortable with opening up erotica when there may be people watching over my shoulder. Otherwise I would research.

Paranoid? Moi?

The Earl

Earl, if you're in that cafe dressed as in your AV, I'm afraid paranoia is a little pointless. People may have guessed you're somehow.. different.
Calm Diane Marie, take deep breaths. The reason I'm asking is to get the details right. Don't assume that I'm some mysogynistic (sp! I'm tired, don't correct me) bastard who doesn't believe in foreplay, just because I ask for some background from people who know better.

The Earl

Diane Marie said:
You do know what foreplay is don t you, for me it s starts with my lips, no not those lips, the ones on my face!

Would you care to rephrase that Diane? The picture in my head went straight from frotting to cunilingus.

I'd love to be a lesbian.
