What causes more terror?


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
al Qaida, Saadam Hussein or a lone sniper?

Do people of America look out for unattended bags each and every day or do they now think that terror has to arrive before they become scared?

So far it looks as though the sniper has caused more terror in American society than anything the other two have done, so to be terrorised, does a terrorist act have to be close to home? Or does it just have to arrive silently and unannounced?

Don't Forget . . .

Hi p p man, didn't you forget "Does the CIA have to be involved?" :)
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A terrorist act has to arrive silently and unannounced in order for it to be a terrorist attack.

I don't believe that Americans are alone in going about thier daily lives and pushing the thoughts of terrorism to the back of thier minds. Of course it's more terrifying when it hits close to home. It's human nature to think, that can never happen to me. Even when some where deep down you know it can.

There's a difference in being vigilant and looking out for what may be out there, and hiding in your home afraid to come out. It's no different than driving in a bad neighborhood at night, you keep your car doors locked, you keep an eye out, yet you still know that may not be enough. It becomes up to the individual to decide if they are going to let fear run thier life, or if they are going to be as careful as they can but still live.
p_p_man said:
al Qaida, Saadam Hussein or a lone sniper?


So far it looks as though the sniper has caused more terror in American society than anything the other two have done, so to be terrorised, does a terrorist act have to be close to home? Or does it just have to arrive silently and unannounced?
The sniper has caused more terror than 9/11? Horse shit.

Terror defined....

It's all relative, to me, any form of intimidation by force is terrorist in nature. When your fear of death, or being evicted and penniless are equal, than any representation of those fears is terrorism. I would be more terrorized if the government took away my RIGHT to a firearm of my choice, than a bunch of islamic morons with a C-4 vest. I would be more terrorized if my government started believing, and listening to the fucking UN, than adhering to the absolute Bill of Rights, and Constitution. I would be more terrorized if the US talked of joining the EU, like having the inmates running the asylum.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. :D
From what I can see, 11/9 has caused more hysteria and general bullshit, than the uncertainty and paranoia that the sniper seem to have caused. I guess these views will be a little bit against others, but the question was out there to answer, and this was my oppinion.
p_p_man said:
al Qaida, Saadam Hussein or a lone sniper?

Do people of America look out for unattended bags each and every day or do they now think that terror has to arrive before they become scared?

So far it looks as though the sniper has caused more terror in American society than anything the other two have done, so to be terrorised, does a terrorist act have to be close to home? Or does it just have to arrive silently and unannounced?


The closer to home.
Sadam Hussein is just a pawn in a big political chess game.

He's no terror. Its just that America wants to prove that it is the real terror on this earth. Don't mess wth Us.
LordOfDarkness said:
Sadam Hussein is just a pawn in a big political chess game.

He's no terror. Its just that America wants to prove that it is the real terror on this earth. Don't mess wth Us.

How is Hussein a political pawn? Hussein became chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council and president of the country, in 1979.

He is a terror, 1980 to 1988 Iran/Iraq war, that he started. 1990/1991 his invasion of Kuwait.
LordOfDarkness said:
He's only a small town terror. There are many of those.

many as in plethora? The news is filled with neighboring countries going to war :rolleyes:. Iran/Iraq war had an estimated 1 million deaths, it put Iraq 75 Billion in debt and then he invaded Kuwait. He emptied it's coffers, like a thief. Sounds like small town to me.:rolleyes:
Its just a rumor. Saddam has got nothing except oil. He should quit while he is ahead. Like Qadaffi of Libya.
HeavyStick said:
many as in plethora? The news is filled with neighboring countries going to war :rolleyes:. Iran/Iraq war had an estimated 1 million deaths, it put Iraq 75 Billion in debt and then he invaded Kuwait. He emptied it's coffers, like a thief. Sounds like small town to me.:rolleyes:

Hey, its just my personal opinion. US can anytime silence him, but whats the long delay? Its all political I tell ya.

And hey, I don't like Saddam as much as you. I'm just a political scientist.
Remember Idi Amin of Uganda? He was a brute with a long title. He quit while he was still ahead. He was never brought to justice and is now enjoying life somewhere.
my ass causes more terror than those three combined!

damn Taco Bell.
A sniper would scare the shit out of me way more than Al-Quaida (however-the-fuck you spell it) or Saddam

For the last week or so random asians have been throwing fireworks out of cars, and a banger went off right next to one of my housemates as he was walking home. If it had been a proper firework it could have seriously burned him.

So now when i hear fast cars and fireworks out of the window, i decide not to go and get some beer from the local shop :D
My life is completely unaffected by any of it...

Yeah right, JEEZ p_p_, rephrase the question, use the IRA. The school shootings you had. Do you look for unattended bags and stuff?

Personally I do. I've always had that fantasy since I was a kid of finding a bag full of money or jewels just laying around. Of course I would always do the right thing and turn it in, but the fantasy says, it's gonna go unclaimed...
An additional type terror

How about; If the perpitrator of the terrorist attack is detained and in custody, he/she/they given to the people who's lives were mostly effected by the action to be punished in the manner judged best by these people. Nobody will every know what this punishment is except for the persons involved. (Of course this terror is for the person(s) that have been convicted of being a terrorist).
Good spin, Flatlander!

SINthysist said:
My life is completely unaffected by any of it...

Yeah right, JEEZ p_p_, rephrase the question, use the IRA. The school shootings you had. Do you look for unattended bags and stuff?

Personally I do. I've always had that fantasy since I was a kid of finding a bag full of money or jewels just laying around. Of course I would always do the right thing and turn it in, but the fantasy says, it's gonna go unclaimed...

I wrote this recently to a friend (Classmate, actually) that lives in Northern Viginia:

This brings me to my main point. Whether we are conscious of this, or not - I suspect that Americans are, moreso than the rest of us...

Since last September, I have felt that there is a subtext at work in Society at large. I call it a "General Malaise", in that the individual fears attached to the current geopolitical situation, and concurrent economic uncertainty - are affecting all of us, whether we have time to ponder it or not. It seems that the whole of the Western (Developed) World is just waiting for "the next shoe to drop"...

Today, we can perhaps relax a bit - in that the tension "on Alan's Patch", may just have eased a little. Law enforcement in the US, contrary to some media folks, does work pretty well - let us ALL pray that the two men apprehended last evening are those that have wrought this reign of terror over the DC area.

Peepee, I enjoy your sardonic, kidologist take on things - but lay off the individul Yank on this one - SIN's comment re: IRA could perhaps give you some food for thought, O Red-Brick University Denizen. :D
I grew up during times like the Cuban missle crises. At no point in my life have I felt like our country was out of the crosshairs of the world in general. Being raised in fear, having fear exploited societally, in politics and media, for example, means that the next new fear is just a new fear. The mechanisms to deal with it have been in place for a long time.

And yes, law enforcemant can be effective. Now it gets put into the court system and the odds go back to the shooter...

HeavyStick said:
How is Hussein a political pawn? Hussein became chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council and president of the country, in 1979.
He is a terror, 1980 to 1988 Iran/Iraq war, that he started. 1990/1991 his invasion of Kuwait.

I think LD was referring to something like this:
The US government says that Saddam Hussein is a war criminal, a cruel military despot who has committed genocide against his own people. That's a fairly accurate description of the man. In 1988, he razed hundreds of villages in northern Iraq and killed thousands of Kurds. Today, we know that that same year the US government provided him with $500m in subsidies to buy American farm products. The next year, after he had successfully completed his genocidal campaign, the US government doubled its subsidy to $1bn. It also provided him with high-quality germ seed for anthrax, as well as helicopters and dual-use material that could be used to manufacture chemical and biological weapons.

And now he is just a scapegoat since OBL is good at hiding.
I think anything close to home is more terrifying. The WTC was frightening because of the visuals but I believe that New Yorkers were more affected by it than anyone else.

As for the sniper, that strikes home even more. Even though it's not in my neighbourhood/country, I can relate to it somehow.

The sniper definately has a better marketing consultent.