What Are YOU Thinking? Continued 3

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I'm thinking that other folks are thinking when did this thread turn into a Jersey Shore thread 😳

Oppssss my bad!!!

Maybe give them really cold water (running the tap a while) in a fresh bowl?

Oh, I take care of my pets scrupulously. But they would rather lick out of a puddle in the middle of the driveway than a clean, cold bowl I provide them. Sometimes they're just weird. :)
LOL! I was telling one of my neighbors, a good old boy in the south, that the mother of my children was from outside of South Philadelphia, and her family had a house down the Jersey shore. They were vaguely connected to the mob, but I was never sure quite how.

I have a few GFs who are in the " family ". They're very sweet and have the biggest hearts. I dont go out with them often because they are loud and not.my scene any more.

I’m thinking about how I’ve been to the shore once in spite of living where people go every weekend.

I'd have my feet in the sand and water every day if I lived near the shore. It's not for everyone so I can understand how you feel.

We're planning this Saturday to go since there's really no better place to be on a 100 plus degree day🙂
A year ago today. I was flying home from my time with Fara. *cry* I miss her and all the fun we had.
I wish I knew how to just let go and be* So instead, I’m miserable. Makes sense.

*i think I do know how. I’m just not sure I want to, or whether the pain I’d be hiding is worth it.
It’s after 8pm and I haven’t eaten since yesterday. I’m thinking this may call for pizza 🍕
I'm worried for all the Litsters on the west coast in Cali. There's too many quakes going off and I hope the Big One doesn't happen. :eek:
I'm worried for all the Litsters on the west coast in Cali. There's too many quakes going off and I hope the Big One doesn't happen. :eek:

Speaking as one Californian...I thank you for your concern. There are always quakes going off somewhere around here...just few reported...99% of the time, we either do not notice them or they become nothing more than a conversation piece....some bigger ones occur, but they are very infrequent.

A good comparison would be tornadoes...unless they impact very close to you, they are just conversation pieces...
I think I'm feeling better.... :)

Although I've been thinking that before, and it was a false dawn... :eek:
If Goldilocks tried three beds, then Momma Bear and Daddy Bear slept seperately. Baby Bear is probably the only thing keeping the family together.
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