What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

Random micro-prank I do sometimes in RL with friends. I'll intentionally mispronounce random words when I'm talking. Like "I enjoy Star Wars. It's a really good sci-fi fawntasy." Then I commit to the bit. If they laugh or call me on it I'll pretend I have no idea what they're talking about. "What? Why are you laughing? You think it's funny that I like fawntasies?" I'm a riot.
And another reason you are
fan-fucking-tastic! 💕
I'm watching a YouTuber (Jade Halona, fwiw) and her collection of body care products is making mine look tame.
Cardinal? Check. Redwing blackbird? Check. What looks like it might be an oriole? (Do we even get those around here?) Check.

But still no elusive woodpecker.
I don't know why I bother