What are you most self conscious about?

My (not so new anymore) job has wrecked my nails, and now I hate the way my hands look :( I know it is a really silly thing but I really liked it when my hands were prettier, and I hate for people to look at my hands now. I stopped wearing rings so they won't attract attention.
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I damn near cut my thumb off and it left a ugly scar, that kinda bugs me.
i have an ugly scar on the palm of my hand it really makes the skin stick out in a sort of bump ... i have a semi big nose (see av) :)

but im not self conscious about any of them life is to short for that sort of thing in my opinion
I am most self conscious about my ass. When clothed I worry about pany lines. :eek:

Another thing is my hair. If I feel my hair is mussed up I don't want anyone to look at me. This is usually a work thing, I get these wild hairs going everywhere.
Spinach or other greens stuck in my front teeth after a meal. Until I can check, all my smiles are closed mouth. I just love spinach salad.....what can I say?
I have a lot of left over self conscious things from when I was bigger - the size of my hips (plus they are kinda lumpy shaped), whether my tummy is sticking out,, or bulging over the top of my pants. I'm always nervous about food in my teeth - even if I haven't eaten - LOL!
Freya2 said:
...whether my tummy is sticking out,, or bulging over the top of my pants...

Yeah I always get that! And I get funny about positions that might be unflattering (unless I'm really really horny!)

I also hate my breasts. Only special people see them. I get paranoid that my nipples are too big, my boobs too saggy! And I'm only young... :rolleyes:

For future reference, nipples can Never be too big! At least in my opinion. :0)
My eyes. It's frustrating that my best feature is also what I'm most self-conscious about.

I have Duane's Retractive Syndrome in my left eye. Basically, my left eye can look up and down, but it doesn't cooperate when going left and right. It either stays put or closes. Because of that, I generally just turn my head instead of looking side-to-side with my eyes. As I've gotten older, less and less people tend to notice (unless I'm tired or in new surroundings where I have to look around a lot), but I'm still very self-conscious about it.

It's frustrating to have to explain it to new people. I used to explain it before anyone noticed, just so I wouldn't risk any awkward moments later on. lol After being told by many people that it wasn't noticeable, I stopped explaining until I was asked.
The only time I am really self conscious is when I am nude, then my lack of a bottom side kind of makes me squirm.
Otherwise, the gash under my left eyebrow is squirm material, and the fact that I have very narrow, slight hips and thighs. Jeans and slacks (other than the stretch type) are always baggy right across where my hip and thigh meet and the fabric gets all bunched up, and that really bothers me. I have a hard time finding pants that will fit right and comfortably. You would think that after 2 kids, my hips would have spread, but they are as narrow as a teens.

And then theres what happens to my face when I laugh. I get chipmunk cheeks, much like this guy. --->:D
Me entire body from the neck down. Seriously. I can't stand to look in mirrors. If I do it makes me want to cry.
bad kitty said:
Me entire body from the neck down. Seriously. I can't stand to look in mirrors. If I do it makes me want to cry.

What she said.
i bet you people don't notice what most of you are saying you're self conscious about :)
I have a bump on my nose......not big, but it's always made me self concious of my profile.

Who is it that is having trouble with their nails? I just strated using some amazing stuff, and my nails are growing like crazy. I'll share the name if you'd like?
I have a few acne scars, so naturally, I'm self-conscious about my face.
That's the main one, my entire body comes in at a close second.