What are you fuckers reading?

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I like the Kidd character, too, I wish he popped up more often.

Kidd has a small part in Extreme Prey and I've heard for a few years now that he's looking at writing a new Kidd novel because he's been getting pressure from his son who's a big fan of them.
How was Pretty Girls?

I enjoyed it, a few twists, but it's also one of the scariest books I've read in awhile just because you know there are actually monsters out there like the guy in the book. You just don't go around thinking about them all the time, but you know they are out there.

It could be one of those books you read with the lights on.
I enjoyed it, a few twists, but it's also one of the scariest books I've read in awhile just because you know there are actually monsters out there like the guy in the book. You just don't go around thinking about them all the time, but you know they are out there.

It could be one of those books you read with the lights on.

You convinced me, thanks!
Can anybody recommend somewhere i can easily download audio books?
Oh, fata. I started Mischling.

"We did not see, and so we believed we already knew the worst. We couldn't imagine the greatness of suffering, how still and calculated it could be, how it could pluck off members of a family, one after the other, or show an entire village the face of death in one fell swoop."
Oh, fata. I started Mischling.

"We did not see, and so we believed we already knew the worst. We couldn't imagine the greatness of suffering, how still and calculated it could be, how it could pluck off members of a family, one after the other, or show an entire village the face of death in one fell swoop."

Oh Mother of God. :heart::heart::heart:
finished re-reading


now reading

Art of the Western World - Michael Wood

from ancient Greece to postmodernism

Just finished up The Midnight Zoo by Sonya Hartnett. Think it's Y. A. but a sweet little fable of a book. Next up Brother by Ania Ahlborn, unfortunately the last of hers I have left to read.
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