What are the true figures for coalition casualties?


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
I find it a bit hard to believe when I hear that in various battles Iraq suffers hundreds dead and the invading army can only muster three or four...

What do you expect p_p_ when the coalition forces are riding around in tanks and bradleys and the forces they usually encounter are on foot and use small arms or AK-47's? Even the RPG's that are used don't usually do enough damage to kill the people in the vehicles they were fired at. Sheesh you are a dunderhead, lol. Hell we kill more of our own troops than the Iraqi's can and have.
SleepingWarrior said:
What do you expect p_p_ when the coalition forces are riding around in tanks and bradleys and the forces they usually encounter are on foot and use small arms or AK-47's? Even the RPG's that are used don't usually do enough damage to kill the people in the vehicles they were fired at. Sheesh you are a dunderhead, lol. Hell we kill more of our own troops than the Iraqi's can and have.

I meant firefights between infantry, but you do have a point...


p_p_man said:
I meant firefights between infantry, but you do have a point...



In infantry fights it is almost as bad because our equipment and protective devices and training are quite a bit better than that of the average or Republican guard soldier. Gotta love technology and training that goes into us 'warmongers'. :D
Oh, since casualties do include being wounded I have to say that the number of wounded is probably being under-reported.
Fog of Battle....

When you have a rolling mechanized battle over several blocks or miles, you really can't take rollcall until you consolidate after the battle.
Even in training, separated troops end up with other units, and until they can "phone home" to their parent unit, no one knows where they are.
This is especially true with the speed they are moving, they didn't even know the 507th tropps were missing until it was too late.
With the Kevlar helmet and body armor, medics are only reporting extremity wounds, not kill hits unless it's from a 12.5mm Soviet round, or RPGs.

*Best battlefield dressing, a femine pad. (sterile and absorbent)