what are the best documentaries you've seen


King Taint Kicker
Feb 3, 2003
Currently watching one about overturned convictions thanks to dna.
Control Room
Fog Of War
The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Be Here To Love Me
Man On A Wire
King Of Kong

There is one that I am blanking on and it's killing me.
I like nature documentaries. Specifically marine, arctic, and (American) national parks.
Control Room
Fog Of War
The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Be Here To Love Me
Man On A Wire
King Of Kong

There is one that I am blanking on and it's killing me.

I loved crumb. Man on a wire was good too.
Waiting for Superman

This film is not yet rated

Waiting for superman was interesting. Another education related doc i liked was Educating Peter.
I really wish I could remember the name of the documentary/music label it was about.

I just remember it's owned by Captain what's his face and Savage Pencil did quite a few of the drawings for the artists.
Oh, and the Sun City one looks great. Dave Grohl did it and it has a bad ass song with him and Stevie Nicks.
I really enjoyed Mansome

There was also an interesting documentary which was kind of a "Where are they now" for porn stars - can't think of the title though.
there was a documentary at the end of the tour. the stone room was filled with delinquent teenagers.

the one the other night was decent. i was hooked on some prison gang documentaries for a while. there's a bbc holocaust series that's six episodes, i think? either way, it was beautiful.
American: The Bill Hicks Story
Why We Fight
The Other Dream Team
Journey to the Edge of the Universe
Room 237
Deep Water
Chasing Ice
there was a documentary at the end of the tour. the stone room was filled with delinquent teenagers.

the one the other night was decent. i was hooked on some prison gang documentaries for a while. there's a bbc holocaust series that's six episodes, i think? either way, it was beautiful.

Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution.

Great doc.
BBC The Life Of Muhammad - 3 part series I got off newsgroups. Really really well done.

Also World War II Behind Closed Doors. Pretty sure it was PBS.

I've seen so many damn WWII docs it's hard to keep track of them all.
The one with the governor, who use to be a wrestler, that thinks there are alien lizard people among us.
a lot of holocaust and central american/caribbean ones. there are a couple of amazing arctic ones, but i can't remember any names. i will check netflix for some others.