What’s Crossing Your Mind II

No one has the right to put his hands on you, hope you kicked his walker down.

If he had had one... you don’t grab someone’s arm when they’re unsuspecting. I have multi-traumatic PTSD and shit like that will set me the fuck off.
If he had had one... you don’t grab someone’s arm when they’re unsuspecting. I have multi-traumatic PTSD and shit like that will set me the fuck off.

Seriously I am with you, don't touch. I wish I was there, to put him in his place. Glad you stood up for yourself and almost knocked him over
I about took down an elderly man at Kohl’s today, I don’t care how old you are if you touch me without my consent I’m going to start swinging. Fucking dickhead.

If he had had one... you don’t grab someone’s arm when they’re unsuspecting. I have multi-traumatic PTSD and shit like that will set me the fuck off.

You’re absolutely right in all you’ve said and it’s unsettling to think about as well. I’m very sorry that you experienced this.
Many thoughts

I miss President Obama a very classy man and all his family

Watching and thinking about the History of my Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters killed.

Not making any political comments, just thinking
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i can make a decision and stick to it. i dont have to like it but i can make it.
Hate agreeing with Lister's posts, that I don't get along with lol

Dammit lol
theres a mouse... i set 3 traps... he got the peanut butter from 2 traps with out setting them off and still managed to get the pb from the 3rd.

today we switch to smushed cheese.

he will not make it alive.

mouse traps scare me every damn time
The contraceptive pill is the opposite of an advent calendar you open a little window every day of the month in hopes not to get to celebrate the birth of a child at the end.
If there are daddy doms and little girls, why do I never see the reverse?
You never see mommies and little boys.

At least I don't.
15 days from now at this time, the smokin hot redhead and I will be having dinner at The Delmonico at the Venetian..

Life is good. :)
Why even pretend to be surprised if a shark takes the bait when you've been so desperately chumming the waters?