well that's pretty neat...


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
three hot red H's on the new poems!

'grats to

greenmountaineer, lubricant and demure101 :rose::rose:
three hot red H's on the new poems!

'grats to

greenmountaineer, lubricant and demure101 :rose::rose:
all three excellent poets, commented on by others of note
those that commented probably learned something, maybe the poets did too
a poem is not completed until it is read and reacted to
everybody gains from an interdependent relationship, that should be the strength of his place

i'm vaguely reminded of something interesting said by a person of interest about another person of interest

I applaud all, especially those that commented
(i know, i included myself, because i commented, but I do have that reputation that i have to live up too)
all three excellent poets, commented on by others of note
those that commented probably learned something, maybe the poets did too
a poem is not completed until it is read and reacted to
everybody gains from an interdependent relationship, that should be the strength of his place

i'm vaguely reminded of something interesting said by a person of interest about another person of interest

I applaud all, especially those that commented
(i know, i included myself, because i commented, but I do have that reputation that i have to live up too)


and yes, i felt i learned from reading their writes. i usually do :D
three hot red H's on the new poems!
What I like about this is that it means more people are reading the New Poems and thinking (and expressing an opinion) about them.

The "H" itself is irrelevant. Well, I think it is.

It's the interest that's important.
I think it is good that people are reading poems but do hope they are reading poems in books by contemporary authors and not just the poems here.

I am pleased for the authors of the poems that got Hs and hope they are also happy with that status, but I also feel that people who don't ever get Hs or Es or whatever other special signals of popularity should realize that they signify that only: popularity. It is no reason to give up writing or lose faith in human beings. It may be a reason to publish your work in places other than Literotica. :)

Cheers folks. I am trying to think of October Challenges. Anyone have one in his/her pocket?
My vote for the challenge, since it is October (and taking a cue from Oneira and Harry and others for their at times macabre poems) ...something creepy. Spells. Occult. Paranormal. boo!
I am trying to think of October Challenges. Anyone have one in his/her pocket?

How about eroticism of a city. There could be so many interesting ways to bring out the erotic attributes of a city. Should be fascinating....

But the impending halloween etc., as desojo suggests, is not a bad theme either....
My vote for the challenge, since it is October (and taking a cue from Oneira and Harry and others for their at times macabre poems) ...something creepy. Spells. Occult. Paranormal. boo!

creepy works for me

My vote for the challenge, since it is October (and taking a cue from Oneira and Harry and others for their at times macabre poems) ...something creepy. Spells. Occult. Paranormal. boo!
I am so up for that...(searches desk for a new yellow pad)
but I also feel that people who don't ever get Hs or Es or whatever other special signals of popularity should realize that they signify that only: popularity. It is no reason to give up writing or lose faith in human beings.

it is real easy to tell the H's apart

The H that also stands for Hard Work

is vastly different from

The H that stands for
you got a bunch of your friends to cluster fuck your poem
or even better you did it all by yourself

Ho, Ho, Ho, HO

I guess some fit in between

where's mine?

Ho, Ho, Ho, HO

1201, I have only one or two friends here and they would never vote for my poems at all let alone cluster anything.

I work hard on my poems though have very few submitted, here.

And are you calling me a ho?

You see, when you say you and you are quoting me, it seems to me that the you you speak of is me. And no I am not a ho. Let alone a size extra large ho. But maybe you are thinking of someone else?

it is real easy to tell the H's apart

The H that also stands for Hard Work

is vastly different from

The H that stands for
you got a bunch of your friends to cluster fuck your poem
or even better you did it all by yourself

Ho, Ho, Ho, HO

I guess some fit in between

where's mine?

Ho, Ho, Ho, HO

1201, I have only one or two friends here and they would never vote for my poems at all let alone cluster anything.

I work hard on my poems though have very few submitted, here.

And are you calling me a ho?

You see, when you say you and you are quoting me, it seems to me that the you you speak of is me. And no I am not a ho. Let alone a size extra large ho. But maybe you are thinking of someone else?
But maybe you are thinking of someone else?
most assuredly, i am thinking of some one else. congrats on the two friends, two more than i have
i was just being sarcastic about the "popular" and the assumption on your part, that somehow all i care about are my fucking H's, or your denigration of my presenting a real and persistent problem, that long precedes you.
if i cared that much about my fucking H's, i would be tip toeing through the tulips, playing kissy ass with every toad that pops up.

My apologies if that was the impression you got, if you thought I was accusing you and calling you a Ho.

No, I think you are ill informed, and mistaken as to what I am about, I informed you.
No, it was so fucking bad at one time, I was afraid to leave comments on new poems, because I felt the anon was following me, undoing the 5's in the "service of better poetry". There is a portal you know.