Well so far...2003 sucks


Jan 6, 2002
Yup that's right. First my car is THIS close to being thrown in the junk yard, or sold for $20 bucks to the scrap heap. Tried everything and now it needs a new transmission which is more than that car is worth.

Second, my computer blew up. (And I am using my 333 mhz right now, with a weird ass set up because it's too big to fit in my other space I set out for my computer. So now this huge fucking this is in my lap along with the keyboard and mouse just so I can hook it up. ) I THINK I burned out my motherboard, not sure tho. With my luck it is, and I would lose everything(no biggie anyways)and would cost $400 just to get a new mobo. And since I have no car, I have to wait till this wednesday to take it into a shop. And that would probably take another week or so to get fixed.

Only thing that has gotten me by for the last few days are my xbox and t.v. And jesus those are getting boring now. Wish I could go out or something, but nope...no car. ARGH!

Ah well, just my own little rank.

/e gets off his soapbox.
Wait til winter's over. I bet it will really pick up for you then.
Well, look at it this way, it can't get much worse.
Things will look up.
Welcome to my life. Try sleeping a lot, that's how I spend most of my free time.
Mona said:
Well, look at it this way, it can't get much worse.
Things will look up.

Yes it can, almost anything can get worse...and with my luck, it'll happen.
under where said:
Welcome to my life. Try sleeping a lot, that's how I spend most of my free time.

Eh, I still want to maintain my normal sleeping habit, other wise I'd fuck myself up bad, lol.
I dunno what that is...but I belive to expect the worse and hope for the best.
Sorry about your car, mine is having problems too, ugh. I've had to put money into it twice over the last few months. The next thing that goes wrong is going to send it to the scrap heap.

$400 seems like you are being overcharged for a new motherboard. I'd get a second opinion or learn what type you need and buy it yourself.

Good luck with the rest of the year hon :)