Wean me off the vibrator....


Oct 12, 2002
Anyone know of any methods or have any suggestions to me? I am 45 years old and have never gotten off to oral or to a man's hand. I use a vibrator 99% of the time and really wish to get off during oral.....
the only thing i could suggest would be to have him rub your g-spot with a finger or two during oral, and perhaps introduce some gentle biting. i know it makes oral tons more fun for me! ^_^
I don't know about oral because I don't like getting oral myself--way too intense for me, but a place to start would be to teach him how you like it by hand by telling him to keep his hand limp and then moving the fingers of his hand in the same way you'd move your own if you weren't using your vibrator. As long as he keeps his hand limp and passive and doesn't try to take over he can learn what movements please you.

I bet there are sex toys out there that are like little vibrating clit stimulators that he could strap around his waist and stimulate you with as he has sex with you.

Also...speaking of toys, there is this great thing: a tiny metal vibrator toy that you attach around your tongue: that would give you the vibration you were used to while he did oral and that would probably get you off. Let me see if I have the URL handy--I think if you buy this you should get the extra strong vibes model because you are already so used to vibrators.

I think I too am addicted to my vibe... I can still get off with a partner, it's just more difficult. You might want to try not using them for a while, as awful as that sounds. Even after a few days with no stimulation, the sensitivity will return. I used to have to do this (when I had someone) if I wanted to have great sex. Good Luck!
Don't just toss your vibe out the door, it will probably last longer than most relationships. I definitely recommend the biting, it gets me off.
Thanks for the helpful replies. I have also gotten a couple of books on the subject. One of them is by Lonnie Barbach and it has been highly recommended in another chatroom as far as teaching women to learn the art of masturbation. It isn't that I can't get myself off with my hand, but that it takes so long that I end up being sore for a day or two.

I got such a kick out of the comment about keeping the vibrator around because it would likely last longer than most relationships. Since the one I'm in right now seems to be dying a slow and painful death, that just may be true.......
Interestingly enough, my girlfriend doesn't want to get one (I suggested it :) ) because she is afraid of getting addicted to it and not enjoying my touch as much.

But she enjoys me as it is, so I can't complain. And I can usually get her off in a minute or two, if I go fast. I usually gently probe her vagina/anus, while licking up and down her labia while playing with her clit, alternating between rough and gentle. :devil: Works like a charm.

Anyways, I don't think she'd like a vibrator that much since she really likes not being in control.