We can't find Saddam...


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
at least that was the last I heard, and we can't find Osama either.

Why is it we can kill a whole bunch of people, but when it comes to trying to nail ONE specific guy, we can't do it? How hard IS it for god sakes?

and another thing...

George Bush went to Yale.

Clinton studied at Oxford.

The Unibomber went to Harvard.

Is anyone else somewhat nervous about the Ivy League now, or is it just me?
Sillyman said:
at least that was the last I heard, and we can't find Osama either.

Why is it we can kill a whole bunch of people, but when it comes to trying to nail ONE specific guy, we can't do it? How hard IS it for god sakes?

and another thing...

George Bush went to Yale.

Clinton studied at Oxford.

The Unibomber went to Harvard.

Is anyone else somewhat nervous about the Ivy League now, or is it just me?

Sillyman went to Princeton right?
Osama is low tech. We have no way to capture him with technology. We don't have his scent so that rules out dogs.

Saddam. He has bunkers that go 60-100 feet deep. Some of these bunkers have reinforced elevator shafts. Luke Skywalker would have a hard time making that shot.
Re: Re: We can't find Saddam...

Bob_Bytchin said:
Sillyman went to Princeton right?

Sillyman WISHES he could go to Princeton, and Sillyman cries every night because of it.
HeavyStick said:
Osama is low tech. We have no way to capture him with technology. We don't have his scent so that rules out dogs.

Saddam. He has bunkers that go 60-100 feet deep. Some of these bunkers have reinforced elevator shafts. Luke Skywalker would have a hard time making that shot.

So our problem is only if they are high or low tech? *sigh*
Bush2 also went to Harvard.

Two phone calls, two degrees. Google his SAT scores sometime for a giggle.

OBL & Saddam both did a lot of business with the USA....bush, cheney, rumsfeld, kissinger, nixon, agnew...get it?

They've been golden parachuted away in return for shutting the fuck up with their billions.

Just think what your guys have tucked away for later....
Saddam is easy to track

Last night Saddam was in his regular Friday night bowling league (Iraq Government Workers Credit Union mixed league - he carries a 187 avg. there). Today he has several errands to run plus his driver's license just expired so he'll spend several hours waiting in line at the Iraqi Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Hell, he's not difficult to find; BUT just try to keep up with him!
TWB said:
Does Luke Skywalker work for us, or is he French?

Hmmmm...finally, something to really chew on.

Well, Darth's his dad; darth's voice is also the "This...is CNN" voice...CNN is AOL Time Warner....therefore, ipso fatso, logic says Luke's a Yankee.
You saw the SUV he was cruising around in, it would be hard to stay on his trail.

I believe Luke works out of Toronto.
TWB said:
Does Luke Skywalker work for us, or is he French?

Well, he's not French, but he is known to whine...

"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"

Now if you could get Wedge Antilles & the rest of the Rogues, you might have something...
Bob_Bytchin said:
In homage to Sillyman's old AV:

I have a deep seated belief that a man should not be called chicken fucker more than 237 times in his life time, and I have reached my limit.
Lancecastor said:
Hmmmm...finally, something to really chew on.

Well, Darth's his dad; darth's voice is also the "This...is CNN" voice...CNN is AOL Time Warner....therefore, ipso fatso, logic says Luke's a Yankee.

But that would mean Darth is a Yankee, so. . .
TWB said:
Does Luke Skywalker work for us, or is he French?

Seein's hows he spells it LUKE as opposed to that pansy-ass LUC,
I'd say not French.

Oh yeah, and another thing. He won his war.
Definitly not French. :cool: