We can NOT have 1 class of people paying


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
so that another class does not have to work. This massive welfare push by the Obama will collapse America ....

Just watch NBC Revolution, as this is where America will be in 20 years after the obama
so that another class does not have to work. This massive welfare push by the Obama will collapse America ....

Just watch NBC Revolution, as this is where America will be in 20 years after the obama

You've never worked a day in your life. You are the class that does not have to work.
So the middle class shouldn't have to work so hard and let the wealthy class sit around and count their money?
Strictly speaking our richest class is barely large enough to be considered a class.
So the middle class shouldn't have to work so hard and let the wealthy class sit around and count their money?

There is no middle class, Obama failed socialist agenda has destroyed the middle class

Under Obama, only the 1% and entitlement classes are 'growing'
There is no middle class, Obama failed socialist agenda has destroyed the middle class

Under Obama, only the 1% and entitlement classes are 'growing'
there is no socialist agenda. thats just silly. i saw an old man in florida driving a caddy that had a bumper sticker that said stop socialism. he probably recieves social security, and medicare coverage. his savings are protected by the government, his food is inspected by the government, if his house is blown away in a storm the government more than likely help make him whole. he is protected by police and fire and armed services that we pay for collectively. we are all socialist hun.

the collapse of the middle class has been going on for more than thirty years. many things contributed. the distructions of unions under republican presidents, the tax policies that favor the very weathy, globalization, right to work states, improved productivity, the collapse of the housing market due in large part to the manipulation of bankers. all of these things happened long before obama came to power. to blame him is simply foolish.
all of these things happened long before obama came to power. to blame him is simply foolish.

That's why Jen said it. We're still not sure how much of it she means. And yes technically we have oligarchs and the funny thing is if they'd shut up and pay us we'd go back to leaving them alone. Despite how bad a oligarchy is your society is supposed to be a meritocracy very few people actually give a shit as long as they have a roof over head, food in belly and a few luxuries (though I'm not sure a television or computer can be called a luxury anymore in any but the strictest sense) and go ahead, rule the country. Make a play for the world. We'll cheer you on as long as the basics I already mentioned are taken care of.
Maybe if you think of it in terms of a school class.

How much does the top 30 own?

Other than it's more than everybody posting on the GB (probably on Lit) combined I dunno. Why should I count the sands upon the beach, the grass in the fields or the stars in the sky?
there is no socialist agenda. thats just silly. i saw an old man in florida driving a caddy that had a bumper sticker that said stop socialism. he probably recieves social security, and medicare coverage. his savings are protected by the government, his food is inspected by the government, if his house is blown away in a storm the government more than likely help make him whole. he is protected by police and fire and armed services that we pay for collectively. we are all socialist hun.

the collapse of the middle class has been going on for more than thirty years. many things contributed. the distructions of unions under republican presidents, the tax policies that favor the very weathy, globalization, right to work states, improved productivity, the collapse of the housing market due in large part to the manipulation of bankers. all of these things happened long before obama came to power. to blame him is simply foolish.

The 'destruction' of unions is a good thing as they add no value and only increase negative value (costs and headaches). Just take a look at the Technology industry and this is how business should be.

I don't think we are all socialist. What we have is a system that provides basic services at the lowest costs possible per citizen.

however, under Obama and his people, their goal is to make people dependence upon government. Where its 'more profitable' for a person to not work and take on a part time job for cash, then to look for a full time job. Also, Obama has done nothing to improve the business climate, and if anything has made things worse with his lack of leadership.

What kind of president come down to Florida (on yet another vacation) to take a golf lesson .... while closing the White House to tourist due to this 'budget crisis'...? How much did THAT golf vacation cost the American Tax Payer? This just highlights the insanity and arrogance of Obama.

I don't care if Bush went on many vacations..."that" was the past and when people say such foolish things, they are only enabling more bad behavor from bad "leaders"
i like this photo below

so that another class does not have to work. This massive welfare push by the Obama will collapse America ....

Just watch NBC Revolution, as this is where America will be in 20 years after the obama

But we already have that class

they're called the idle rich
The 'destruction' of unions is a good thing as they add no value and only increase negative value (costs and headaches). Just take a look at the Technology industry and this is how business should be.

If you like stagnant wages and a shrinking middle class then the destruction of unions was good. You're right that they increase costs and head aches. They also force employers to pay livable wages, which keeps people from being dependent on the government. You really get to pick one, dependent on employer, dependent on government or that rarest of creatures the independent. Just understand the last one is simply rare while the first two we can directly effect as a nation.

I don't think we are all socialist. What we have is a system that provides basic services at the lowest costs possible per citizen.

No, what we have is socialist. I don't pay police, fire fighters, teachers or road workers. The funds are collected through taxes, redistributed to workers, some like police and fire fighters who don't create anything of value, know nothing of creating wealth (according to your philosophy) and on an ideal day do nothing but sit around their hands playing cards.

however, under Obama and his people, their goal is to make people dependence upon government. Where its 'more profitable' for a person to not work and take on a part time job for cash, then to look for a full time job. Also, Obama has done nothing to improve the business climate, and if anything has made things worse with his lack of leadership.

I love when you lie like this. That's not Obama's goal, never has been, never will be. It is however a side effect of the death of unions. As for the business climate, it sucks. We aren't going to fix that much in any of our lifetimes though.

What kind of president come down to Florida (on yet another vacation) to take a golf lesson .... while closing the White House to tourist due to this 'budget crisis'...? How much did THAT golf vacation cost the American Tax Payer? This just highlights the insanity and arrogance of Obama.

A president who can play golf. It doesn't really matter how much it cost the tax payer and you'd do well to stop focusing on what the President spends on vacation since it really doesn't add up to much each year. The only insanity on highlight here is yours. You can call him arrogant all day and all night, if he wasn't we'd kinda have a bit of an interesting situation.

I don't care if Bush went on many vacations..."that" was the past and when people say such foolish things, they are only enabling more bad behavor from bad "leaders"

You should care that Bush did it too. It's only important because you weren't bitching then. Nor are you bitching about Congress going on vacation. Why don't you care about that Jen? Notice the Left could give two shits that Eric and his buddies take off. It doesn't matter. They really weren't accomplishing a damn thing at the time so why the hell not?

Can you tell me why the deficit is down under Obama and yet you complain more about his spending than Bush's? Can you tell me why he's ended the Iraq War and damn near ended the Afghani War and not only do you complain about him being at war, but you wanted to elect a man who all but stated he'd go to war with Iran? Can you tell us all why you repeatedly point out that Obama didn't get Osama because he didn't personally fly there using his Kenytonian super powers? You seem to think he's in charge when a drone drops a bomb. Consistency would be nice Jen.
I don't think we are all socialist. What we have is a system that provides basic services at the lowest costs possible per citizen.
Bullshit. More like basic services at the highest costs possible per citizen.

No, what we have is socialist. I don't pay police, fire fighters, teachers or road workers. The funds are collected through taxes, redistributed to workers, some like police and fire fighters who don't create anything of value, know nothing of creating wealth (according to your philosophy) and on an ideal day do nothing but sit around their hands playing cards.

I don't usually do this, but I focused only on this part of your response to jeninflorida.

No matter how you think you don't pay for those services, you do. No matter how it is collected and redistributed for BS reasons, you still pay. And I think those professions mentioned do indeed deserve it. And if they are in said professions, they do not want to know anything of creating wealth; being wealthy is not their main objective in life.

^^^^^Don't take it personally. I understand your points, but I simply disagree with both of you overall.
Bullshit. More like basic services at the highest costs possible per citizen.

I don't usually do this, but I focused only on this part of your response to jeninflorida.

No matter how you think you don't pay for those services, you do. No matter how it is collected and redistributed for BS reasons, you still pay. And I think those professions mentioned do indeed deserve it. And if they are in said professions, they do not want to know anything of creating wealth; being wealthy is not their main objective in life.

^^^^^Don't take it personally. I understand your points, but I simply disagree with both of you overall.

I think what he's saying, is that he doesn't walk right up to the fire department to pay his fire bill. He pays taxes yes, which is then routed to the necessary places, but he doesn't directly personally purposefully do so.
I think what he's saying, is that he doesn't walk right up to the fire department to pay his fire bill. He pays taxes yes, which is then routed to the necessary places, but he doesn't directly personally purposefully do so.
:D Sometimes it's a shame we can't directly personally purposefully do that. Or else I'd be the happiest dude on the planet.
As far as I can tell too much is made of the rich elite 'working hard to get where they are' - most of them do not put in anything like the hours that the working and middle classes do.

I am 100% in favour of a welfare state. It has its pitfalls. There are too many people who get something for nothing which seems unfair, but I'd rather the divide between rich and poor were reigned in and we shared a bit of respect for each-other rather than the constant divide and rule agenda set out by the elite and delivered by politicians.

We are the 99%.
There is no middle class, Obama failed socialist agenda has destroyed the middle class

Under Obama, only the 1% and entitlement classes are 'growing'

What policy of Obama's are you saying destroyed the middle class?