War protests. Anti-war or anti-American?


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Yep, we’ve all seen the protest marches. Made noise and news. Always does though it seems. But were these “marches” marches against war or marches against the United States?

When Kosovo and Serbia were invaded where were the marchers? Why was there no outcry of disgust for the invasion of these sovereign nations? And when the former Soviet Union forward deployed their intermediate range nuclear missiles, why was no hew and cry? But when the United States deployed Pershing II missiles as a counter to the Soviet threat it would have appeared that we were starting WW III. And that was a Reagan decision. You know? The dude that was nothing but a war monger, and not very bright either. Although his policies removed the menace of Soviet Russia.

Where were the peace marchers as Russia put down the rebellion in Azerbaijan? Or when the Indians and Pakistani’s were threatening each other with nuclear war just a few short months ago.

It seems that the ‘protestors’ restrict their marches for only special occasions. Like whenever the United States is going to do something of a military nature..

This “selective” gathering of the leftist students would seem to indicate that it’s not war that they are protesting. In fact, it seems that war and the threat of war is just fine by them, as long as the US isn’t involved. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether their collective asses are on the line either.

One can judge people by their words, but judging them by their actions will give you a much clearer picture of their character and motivations.

Ishmael said:
Yep, we’ve all seen the protest marches. Made noise and news. Always does though it seems. But were these “marches” marches against war or marches against the United States?

When Kosovo and Serbia were invaded where were the marchers? Why was there no outcry of disgust for the invasion of these sovereign nations? And when the former Soviet Union forward deployed their intermediate range nuclear missiles, why was no hew and cry? But when the United States deployed Pershing II missiles as a counter to the Soviet threat it would have appeared that we were starting WW III. And that was a Reagan decision. You know? The dude that was nothing but a war monger, and not very bright either. Although his policies removed the menace of Soviet Russia.

Where were the peace marchers as Russia put down the rebellion in Azerbaijan? Or when the Indians and Pakistani’s were threatening each other with nuclear war just a few short months ago.

It seems that the ‘protestors’ restrict their marches for only special occasions. Like whenever the United States is going to do something of a military nature..

This “selective” gathering of the leftist students would seem to indicate that it’s not war that they are protesting. In fact, it seems that war and the threat of war is just fine by them, as long as the US isn’t involved. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether their collective asses are on the line either.

One can judge people by their words, but judging them by their actions will give you a much clearer picture of their character and motivations.


In Canada , specifically Toronto there werre almost dailly protests angainst the war in Serbia..
Can't they be both?

Seriously Ish, this is ridiculous. Now you're just grasping at straws.
It's not an either or question.

Some of it is pure anti-war and some of it is pure anti-USA.

The problem Bush2 has created for the USA is that he's branded the country as WarMongers Inc........so that a chunk the Anti War Movement "brand identity" now also means Anti USA.

If you love Peace, you are good......love USA, Bad by default, thanks to your empty suit, Presidente Arbusto2.

Blame it on Chad?

It's a march against Bush and people like him.

He's one scary motherfucker to most people, for obvious reasons.

Scarier than anyone else on the planet at the moment.

It's that simple...
Well this might sound naive but during the Gulf War I think I was young enough that I wasn't really paying attention. Wars in other countries in a way don't really affect me and my protesting them wouldn't really change anything because I don't live there.

I'm not anti american, if we do go to war I will support and pray for everyone who's there fighting for us. I am against this war at this point.

It's annoying that just because you don't agree with this war you're called anti american. Isn't this the land of free speech, a government for the people by the people? We can burn flags but we can't protest a war?

I second what Phoenyx said – we saw plenty of protests up here in Canada.

Perhaps this dichotomy you're seeing is indicative of problems with the American media, rather than hypocrisy on the part of peace activists.
Re: Re: War protests. Anti-war or anti-American?

Phoenyx said:
In Canada , specifically Toronto there werre almost dailly protests angainst the war in Serbia..

I don't doubt you at all. But where was the international press? And what was the size of the protests?

CatEyes said:

It's annoying that just because you don't agree with this war you're called anti american. Isn't this the land of free speech, a government for the people by the people? We can burn flags but we can't protest a war?

You just wanna hope that Ishmael never gets elected to anything.
Re: Re: Re: War protests. Anti-war or anti-American?

Ishmael said:
I don't doubt you at all. But where was the international press? And what was the size of the protests?


There were the usual national Canadian, American and I think some foreign stringer news crews there...the protests went on for weeks, primarily in front of the US Consulate office on University, just north of Queen....much of the block was barricaded from traffic and the building had Marines in front of it for ages.

I guess you missed that one.

Those who state what it's about will not admit the true agenda, it is;
1. Anti-Bush.
2. Anti-American.
3. Anti-troops.
4. Pro-One World Philosophy. (Socialism/Communism)
5. The advancement of dictators whom the U.N. ignores as long as they get bribes from them. (Remember Rwanda?)


U.N. evidence;
Re: Liars.....

Right. There's nobody left in the world in favour of peace.

Narrow minded fool.

Lost Cause said:
Those who state what it's about will not admit the true agenda, it is;
1. Anti-Bush.
2. Anti-American.
3. Anti-troops.
4. Pro-One World Philosophy. (Socialism/Communism)
5. The advancement of dictators whom the U.N. ignores as long as they get bribes from them. (Remember Rwanda?)


U.N. evidence;
Albert Camus wrote that anyone that commits suicide is either used, forgotten, or misunderstood.

That's kinda how I feel personally about public protests.

I don't think it's always anti-american, even if these recent ones were organized under that or an anti-Israeli agenda.

I think people only protest against a country or organization that cares & listens.Nobody protests against China for example, it never does any good.

In a way, it's an honor to draw protest.
There are those who are sincere about beliefs on war who are not anti-american...and than there are other anti-american groups exploiting them as well. In this case I do support the war but I can think of other situations where i would not. Politics does have alot to do with it....If Clinton or Gore was in office I would be very distrustful I admit but since i do believe in Bush's sincerity of his convictions I tend to see it differently...just an honest answer.

Protesting a fucked up idea is quite American.

It's the greatest thing about America, the people standing up to its own government. Without it,

You figure it out...
patient1 said:
Nobody protests against China for example...
Well, there was that one big protest in Tiananmen Square :D

But I think you've got a great point - it says very good things about a country that its citizens are free to protest against the government without fear of recriminations, and that they feel their government actually listens to them.

The day no one is willing to stand up and say America is wrong, is the day America dies.
patient1 said:

I think people only protest against a country or organization that cares & listens.Nobody protests against China for example, it never does any good.

In a way, it's an honor to draw protest.

I tend to disgree P1. I think that many nations are concious of world opinion. Maybe not enough to stop their current activity, but they are concious of same.

My impetus for this thread was the lists of the protest organizing groups. Posted in a thread here on the GB and as reported in the press.

Ishmael said:
Yep, we’ve all seen the protest marches. Made noise and news. Always does though it seems. But were these “marches” marches against war or marches against the United States?

When Kosovo and Serbia were invaded where were the marchers? Why was there no outcry of disgust for the invasion of these sovereign nations? And when the former Soviet Union forward deployed their intermediate range nuclear missiles, why was no hew and cry? But when the United States deployed Pershing II missiles as a counter to the Soviet threat it would have appeared that we were starting WW III. And that was a Reagan decision. You know? The dude that was nothing but a war monger, and not very bright either. Although his policies removed the menace of Soviet Russia.

Where were the peace marchers as Russia put down the rebellion in Azerbaijan? Or when the Indians and Pakistani’s were threatening each other with nuclear war just a few short months ago.

It seems that the ‘protestors’ restrict their marches for only special occasions. Like whenever the United States is going to do something of a military nature..

This “selective” gathering of the leftist students would seem to indicate that it’s not war that they are protesting. In fact, it seems that war and the threat of war is just fine by them, as long as the US isn’t involved. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether their collective asses are on the line either.

One can judge people by their words, but judging them by their actions will give you a much clearer picture of their character and motivations.


As usual, you are full of shit.

"It seems that the ‘protestors’ restrict their marches for only special occasions. Like whenever the United States is going to do something of a military nature.."

Americans don't protest against other countries because Americans barely recognize other countries. If some warlord in some third world country is slaughtering his own people, we don't notice. When a report on the news starts out "In [another country] today, ...," we tune out the rest. Residents of other countries notice everything we do because we're the 500-lb. gorilla in the room.
Re: Re: War protests. Anti-war or anti-American?

Thrillhouse said:
As usual, you are full of shit.

"It seems that the ‘protestors’ restrict their marches for only special occasions. Like whenever the United States is going to do something of a military nature.."

Americans don't protest against other countries because Americans barely recognize other countries. If some warlord in some third world country is slaughtering his own people, we don't notice. When a report on the news starts out "In [another country] today, ...," we tune out the rest. Residents of other countries notice everything we do because we're the 500-lb. gorilla in the room.

This is funny, you tell me I'm full of shit, then go on to state my very point in different words. What a hoot.

Re: Liars.....

Lost Cause said:
Those who state what it's about will not admit the true agenda, it is;
1. Anti-Bush.
2. Anti-American.
3. Anti-troops.
4. Pro-One World Philosophy. (Socialism/Communism)
5. The advancement of dictators whom the U.N. ignores as long as they get bribes from them. (Remember Rwanda?)


U.N. evidence;

Has it ever occured to you that it is a combo of anti-war people as WELL as anti-american?

I know both types that are participateing right now.

I hate my government and a good portion of their decisions.

I'm a piece of shit.

Sorry Ish, hope you can forgive me.
Re: Re: Re: War protests. Anti-war or anti-American?

Ishmael said:
This is funny, you tell me I'm full of shit, then go on to state my very point in different words. What a hoot.


My bad. I guess the printed word isn't the best medium for sarcasm.

Someone in another thread pointed out that the point of protests is to affect change in your own country. Protesting against the policies in other countries is pointless and reeks of arrogance, i.e., trying to tell other countries how to behave. Of course, that's what our government does every day.

Protesting against that which you believe to be injustices being done by your government leaders, elected to serve you, is very much American. Expecting, and even forcing, everyone to buy into everything our leaders want, is anti-American.
I understand that The Pope has stated he's strongly opposed to this war. Maybe that's a factor in Europe.

If so, I gotta wonder why he didn't come out strongly against the war in Kosovo/Croatia by saying that the next person to execute a prisonor, rape a woman because of her religion, snipe a child, or burn a civilian alive was going straight to hell for eternity .

Maybe I'll never understand, because I'm not infallible.