War on the sick and poor


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
The state budget crisis and the health care crisis are closely interrelated. Two thirds of the states are now cutting Medicaid, as a part of their desperate attempts to balance their budgets. One to two million people will soon lose health insurance coverage, even the crappy coverage provided by Medicaid. Get this: the Bush regime adamently opposes any increase of federal funding for Medicaid, saying the federal government has fiscal problems of its own. (Of course, when Bush took office, the federal government was running a surplus.) Sort of puts his massive tax cuts for the rich, multi-billion dollar bailout of the airline indistry, and other goodies for big business into perspective, doesn't it? Bush has plenty of gifts for the greedy, but no help for the needy.

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Red, could you take care of this for the rest of us? We appreciate your bringing this to our attention, but we're busy at the moment with 'life'. Thank you in advance!
Sounds like a fiscally responsible decision. Look at all the dollars you free up with no sick or poor people.:rolleyes:
what about all those destitute doctors, insurance executives and hospital administrators???

I cry myself to sleep over their plight every night.
Re: sufi

I cry myself to sleep over their plight every night.

You don't need that kinda of stress in your life, if you're not careful your heart could pop like a teenager's zit.