Homeland Security And Human Trafficking


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Homeland Security Has Lost HOW Many Unaccompanied Minors?!​

David Strom 8:00 AM | August 21, 2024

According to the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security, the number appears to be over 300,000 unaccompanied children who have disappeared into the United States, although there is some uncertainty because ICE and other agencies in the federal government apparently don't communicate on such matters.


The OIG of Homeland Security there are two types of reasons for why the children who have been released into the United States are untrackable. The first is children who have been given a "notice to appear" for an immigration hearing and who have simply disappeared, not having fulfilled their legal requirement to attend their hearing. There are 32,000 such cases.

Then there are nearly 300,000 children who weren't even given a notice to appear, and while they were supposedly transferred to Health and Human Services, there needs to be more communication between the agencies and for all intents and purposes they have disappeared into the void.

There may actually be a third category, although on this I am not certain. There is another 100,000 or so who may or may not have future hearings scheduled, and nobody has checked on their status. I am inferring this, not reporting it as a fact.

More here: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024...s-lost-how-many-unaccompanied-minors-n3793418

This number is simply too large to write off as human error. This is a crime against humanity and somebody is benefitting, we need to know who it is. We need to prosecute them and either execute them or pack them away for life in a supermax somewhere.
The count started in 2019.

The immigration process is broken and needs addressed. Throwing someone under the bus doesn't address anything.
But but, they just arrested 138 suspects and found SEVEN of the trafficked minors.

293,000 to go...



There's a special corner in Islamic Hell for the initiators of that clusterfuck, and we know what that corner is like.