Voting for your own submissions

I had a similar thing happen to me. He thought my story was going in a direction he didn’t like, kept reading and eventually realised he had been wrong, but voted me down because I’d upset him in making him think something was going to happen which didn’t. You can’t fight against that kind of thinking.

As for voting for your story multiple times you can, as EB has already intimated, visit your brother, father, uncle, best friend, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all and log onto their internet connection and away you go. I’m sure there are writers on here who do it already.

I'm not competitive enough to go through the effort of gaming the system. Besides, I agree with SimonDoom in that I want to know what people who read the story think. I already know what I think about the story.

Every story I write, I write for me because I want to read it. I post it here on the chance someone else might enjoy it as well. While I like high scores and pretty little red Hs like everyone else, that's not what drives me.

My only attempt at increasing my scores is editing the story to make it as clean as I can make it (I do all my own editing) so I don't come across as an completely illiterate hack.
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I always assumed the author votes would be swept or not counted?

After one-starring with a touch pad device when I was trying to page down to see the comments, I do vote for myself, but usually only after the initial score has been established & where it wouldn't make a difference. Saves me feeling worse about myself than I do/cursing myself.
...After one-starring with a touch pad device when I was trying to page down to see the comments...

Oh THANK YOU Redzinger!!! I thought I had trolls. I have adoring but uncoordinated fans who inadvertently one star me...

Realizing this made my day!!! THANK YOU.


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If voting for your own story is a crime, then only criminals will vote for their own stories.

(It's derivative of what Bramblethorn said, but it's pithier.)
Oh THANK YOU Redzinger!!! I thought I had trolls. I have adoring g but uncoordinated fans who I inadvertently one star me...

Realizing this made my day!!! THANK YOU.



You may jest, but I've seen more than one comment or exchange where someone's hit the wrong star and feels immensely guilty enough to apologise profusely.

C'mon, everyone has inadvertently done this, haven't they?
You may jest, but I've seen more than one comment or exchange where someone's hit the wrong star and feels immensely guilty enough to apologise profusely.

C'mon, everyone has inadvertently done this, haven't they?

I accidentally one starred my own story once.
I always assumed the author votes would be swept or not counted?

After one-starring with a touch pad device when I was trying to page down to see the comments, I do vote for myself, but usually only after the initial score has been established & where it wouldn't make a difference. Saves me feeling worse about myself than I do/cursing myself.
No, your legit vote doesn't get swept - the system remembers computer IDs (unless you use systems that hide or shift ID every time you log on) and will show if you've voted on a story previously - thus you can't change your vote and you can't vote again, but you can vote once on any given device.

It seems to me that the more paranoid you are, and the more you hide your online activity, the more you can vote on your own stories. There's possibly a connection there, but I'm not paranoid, so I don't know what it is ;).
No, your legit vote doesn't get swept - the system remembers computer IDs (unless you use systems that hide or shift ID every time you log on) and will show if you've voted on a story previously - thus you can't change your vote and you can't vote again, but you can vote once on any given device.

It seems to me that the more paranoid you are, and the more you hide your online activity, the more you can vote on your own stories. There's possibly a connection there, but I'm not paranoid, so I don't know what it is ;).

I log in on all of my devices, so I only vote once. I can't be bothered to be paranoid. It's too much work.

I accidentally one starred my own story once.

It's horribly easy to do if you're having a bad day, or your device is playing up.

I once did it to a friend's story too. Luckily, her vote was robust enough that it made no difference whatsoever to the score. :eek:

In the old days with a recalcitrant mouse, I mishit the stars often enough that I was reluctant to even try voting.
Nowadays, I'm skint and have out-of-date tech which freezes and blips. (The tablet I'm currently on is a thirdhand gift from a friend, and randomly lags so doesn't recognise a tap in the right place.)

No, not really.

OK. You can be the exception. You hit the correct button each and every time, so you don't need any failsafes. I'm just trying to explain why some of us do these things.
You may jest, but I've seen more than one comment or exchange where someone's hit the wrong star and feels immensely guilty enough to apologise profusely.

C'mon, everyone has inadvertently done this, haven't they?

There is a glitch in the star system that often will take a two vote and turn it into a 4. And yes I've made that mistake of hitting the wrong star.

I'm glad the OP asked this question. It's something I've often wondered about myself. Should I vote, or as someone said, is publishing the story my vote. I tend to agree with that line of thinking.

Besides LW stories get a lot of votes and one vote wouldn't matter a hill of beans so why bother.
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As for voting for your story multiple times you can, as EB has already intimated, visit your brother, father, uncle, best friend, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all and log onto their internet connection and away you go.

This was a comment I made in agreement with a comment by EB and showing examples of how people could do it if they were that desperate


I’m sure there are writers on here who do it 'm not competitive enough to go through the effort of gaming the system. Besides, I agree with SimonDoom in that I want to know what people who read the story think. I already know what I think about the story.

Every story I write, I write for me because I want to read it. I post it here on the chance someone else might enjoy it as well. While I like high scores and pretty little red Hs like everyone else, that's not what drives me.

My only attempt at increasing my scores is editing the story to make it as clean as I can make it (I do all my own editing) so I don't come across as an completely illiterate hack.

My comment was going back to your original question of a writer voting for their own stories, as I’ve stated above, and not an accusation of it being a course of action you would do or intend to do.
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My comment was going back to your original question of a writer voting for their own stories, as I’ve stated above, and not an accusation of it being a course of action you would do or intend to do.

Nor did I take it as such.