Hi can anyone answer me this question since my first story was accepted on the 28/09/02 it has recived a rating of 4.04 >votes 68 and views 13909 is this good or bad
Gettinig 13,000+ views in a little more than a week, 68 votes, and a score over 4.00 is pretty good, especially for a first submission.
You have nothing to worry about.
Keep going and keep working on improving your writing skills. you will undoubtably get some rude and inconsiderate feedback; along with the positive athank-yous, and the constructive-suggestion kind. Pay no attention to the former and listen to the suggestions people offer. Most are very well intentioned and want to help.
I have 2 stories submitted here. One was posted on 17/5/02 and is viewed 12336 times and the other was posted on 17/6/02 and is viewed 10960 times. I hope this had made you feel truckloads better.
Would you be interested in taking classes on what you're doing to get that kind of a response?