USA troops using Panty Shields


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
US Soldiers Using Panty Shields

Well, according to CNN, US troops are using Woman's Panty Shields after pissing themselves in response to being attacked by their own.
yeah, that does suck. friendly fire, some idiot soldier grenading his own unit..
according to Joan Rivers, if you pour a bit of Fresca on a panty shield, the resulting scent will get you higher than a kite.

Maybe that's what happened to Lance. He was overwhelmed by the fumes...
Dantetier said:
yeah, that does suck. friendly fire, some idiot soldier grenading his own unit..

War is hell. Both sides will have people who find the war immoral.

The Iraqis surrender to be fed; the Yanks kill their leaders to stop further slaughter.


And shooting down allies with Patriot missiles is good for the morale too.

**shakes head**

I think the casualties so far are all by "friendly fire" or faulty equipment.
LadyGuinivere said:

I think the casualties so far are all by "friendly fire" or faulty equipment.

Those two Sea King helicopters that crashed into each other sounded like a Canadian mission...we're the best at killing our own troops with Sea Kings.
My friends father is slated to head out there soon. I told him "For your sake, stay out of any helicopters." Have ANY allied forces been killed by Iraqi forces yet?
Dantetier said:
Have ANY allied forces been killed by Iraqi forces yet? just won't hear about it.

Gulf War 1 "official" deaths : less than 1500.

Subsequent Senate Subcommittee numbers by the VA: 7,000.
Lancecastor said:
Those two Sea King helicopters that crashed into each other sounded like a Canadian mission...we're the best at killing our own troops with Sea Kings.

Well, hell, why do you think Chretien wouldn't help? We destroyed our Air Force with that one crash, ya know :)
Saddam deputy: American soldiers captured

Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said that captured enemy soldiers would soon be shown on state television, adding that the war was going well for Iraq.

"Within a few hours you will see the captured enemy soldiers who harassed Souq al-Shuyukh on Iraqi television and you will see the burned tanks in Souq al-Shuyukh," Ramadan told a news conference.

Souq al-Shuyukh is southeast of the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya, where U.S. Marines have reported encountering strong resistance on their northward sweep.

Ramadan said the war, which U.S. and British forces launched on Thursday in an effort to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, was going well for Iraq. "The military operation is going in an excellent way and the situation is comfortable for Iraq," he said. (
Report: Saddam son suffers from brain hemorrhage

Uday, the elder son of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, struck by brain hemorrhage following conflict with a member of Saddam's Fedayeen on Thursday.

The Iranian news agency, IRNA, quoted sources in northern Iraq as saying that tough and indecent orders, issued by Uday, who heads Saddam's Fedayeen, had provoked the conflict as the young man attacked Uday.

Uday's bodyguards then beat the man to injury, the unconfirmed report said.

According to some observers, the recent report on Uday could be part of the American and the Iraqi opposition propaganda campaign against Saddam Hussein's regime.

In recent weeks, the United States has been stepping up its special radio broadcasts and leaflet drops in Iraq.

For the past four months, the U.S. military has been beaming messages to Iraq on AM, FM and shortwave signals. The messages were prepared by a psychological operations unit based in Fort Bragg, N.C. (