US scrambles jet fighters after Russian nuclear bombers circle American airspace over

Cade Is Here

Troll Magnet
Jul 11, 2005

Two Russian bombers have been caught circling the US island of Guam in a 'highly unusual' move some are claiming shows President Vladimir Putin's growing strategic assertiveness towards America.
The aircraft - Russian Tu-95 Bear-H bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons - flew over the western Pacific island just hours before Obama's state of the union address on Tuesday and were intercepted by Air Force F-15 jets.
Officials insisted the surprise training mission 'stayed professional' and said it was unclear whether the bombers were equipped with nuclear missiles. The bombers remained in international air space, they said.

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Two Russian bombers have been caught circling the US island of Guam in a 'highly unusual' move some are claiming shows President Vladimir Putin's growing strategic assertiveness towards America.
The aircraft - Russian Tu-95 Bear-H bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons - flew over the western Pacific island just hours before Obama's state of the union address on Tuesday and were intercepted by Air Force F-15 jets.
Officials insisted the surprise training mission 'stayed professional' and said it was unclear whether the bombers were equipped with nuclear missiles. The bombers remained in international air space, they said.

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I've been to Guam, lovely place. Humid beyond belief, I am in awe of the tough S.O.B.'s on both sides who fought a war there. I drank everything I could get my hands on, and didn't pee for three days. I just couldn't get enough fluid in me. Once you get acclimated, it is much nicer.

I say we up the ante on this on our side by making Guam a state. We are overdue for some new ones. Last election, Puerto Rico voted that it wanted to become a state. So make them 51, Guam 52.
I've been to Guam, lovely place. Humid beyond belief, I am in awe of the tough S.O.B.'s on both sides who fought a war there. I drank everything I could get my hands on, and didn't pee for three days. I just couldn't get enough fluid in me. Once you get acclimated, it is much nicer.

I say we up the ante on this on our side by making Guam a state. We are overdue for some new ones. Last election, Puerto Rico voted that it wanted to become a state. So make them 51, Guam 52.

Will be in Guam again in a couple weeks.. I find the heat/humidity not to be so much while sitting in the G-Spot with a cold beer and a lovely lady shaking her cush in my face.. :cool: