US and Canada

On behalf of an embarrassed nation, people of Canada, I apologize for this idiotic and wholly unnecessary attack. Please leave the back channels open. We the People of the progressive persuasion stand with you. The people of the conservative persuasion stand with Don and Vlad’.

Thank you for your kind post.

I oppose return tariff retaliation against the US.
The free market will get Trump: like it probably did before.

When will Canada apologize to the West for electing a whining weak sister?

You, the people of the progressive persuasion, have never stood with the American majority or the country as founded. Every god damn problem this country has can be laid at your progressive feet.

Trump's the whiner.

Canadians should be the ones feeling so lucky as to have a neighbor like the US.

Uh-huh: even despite its asshole president.

If the US wasn't the Big Dog buffer between Canada and Mexico they would be at each other's throats constantly fighting over scraps. :)

We are net exporters of food, dude; and such might also be true with the Mexicans.

The United States is the only thing keeping the Russians or the Chinese from annexing Canada.

The Soviets could barely invade Finland, and with Trump ass-kissing Putin, we aren't too sure of American protection in that

But with Trump's isolationism, maybe it's time Canada made its own nukes. It's worked with Un.

Canada should be embarrassed for giving the World Justin Bieber. :)

This ought to counter the effects of his music:

KiTTiE - BRaCKiSH original Version - HQ

DOA doing TCB by BTO
Hosers versus suits. Think of Trump as a suit who gets decked when a hoser tosses money in his face!

BACHMAN - THE EDGE - Music Video
Randy plays hard rock with his granddaughters.

What Canada is not...

It is not an endless supplier of illegal aliens that don’t want to assimilate in American culture, but instead try to overwhelm it.

It is not an endless wave of anchor babies bent on taking entitlement expectations that were never designed for the international welfare program it has become.

It is not the source of murderous MS13 gang members responsible for killing American citizens for sport.

It is not the drug source problem that is never ending, killing many and wrecking the lives of many more.

It is not a source of extensive border incursions that place the lives of our border patrol in jeopardy, and until the recent exception of Trudeau, has respected the existence of the borders of our country as we mutually respect theirs.

Thanks for the support; except maybe the Trudeau comment. What do you mean?
asshat. We are fortunate. How can anyone NOT see that???

READ. Would you REALLY wanna live in the frozen tundra? Please say yes because i am quite positive we could take up a collection at lit if there was a promise of no internet connection for you! :rolleyes:

Oh look, a hater!

So rare around here.
Having said all that, I do think Ontario should invade Quebec and put it out of its misery.
So I went to buy a new fishing pole this weekend. I tend to buy fairly expensive poles.
Picked up my favorite St Croix. It had a made in USA tag on it with a flag.
I put it down and picked up one that said Made in China...Thats the one I bought.
I will buy nothing made in USA till you dump the dumbfuck

Thanks SG
So I went to buy a new fishing pole this weekend. I tend to buy fairly expensive poles.
Picked up my favorite St Croix. It had a made in USA tag on it with a flag.
I put it down and picked up one that said Made in China...Thats the one I bought.
I will buy nothing made in USA till you dump the dumbfuck

Thanks SG

While I don't totally disagree with your decision I have to wonder how good the pole from China is compared to one in the USA. We are pretty serious about our fishing down here and if you are indeed looking for a quality pole you may have made a mistake.
Personally when looking for a quality pole I tell the ladies they just found it. Doesn't usually work but maybe some day.
While I don't totally disagree with your decision I have to wonder how good the pole from China is compared to one in the USA. We are pretty serious about our fishing down here and if you are indeed looking for a quality pole you may have made a mistake.
Personally when looking for a quality pole I tell the ladies they just found it. Doesn't usually work but maybe some day.

Its actually a quality pole but the point was NOT AMERICAN
To the Trump supporters, remember this

Have you ever stopped to consider how lucky we Americans are to have the neighbors we have? Look around the globe at who some folks have been stuck sharing a border with over the past half century:
North Korea / South Korea
West Germany / East Germany
Greece / Turkey
Iran / Iraq
Israel / Palestine
India / Pakistan
China / Russia
We’ve got Canada. Canada. About as inoffensive a neighbor as you could ever hope for. In spite of all our boasts of “American exceptionalism” and chants of “America first,” they just smile, do their thing and go about their business.
They’re with us in NATO, they fought alongside us in World War I, World War II, Korea, the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, Afghanistan, the Kosovo War and came to our defense after 9/11. There was that one time when Canada took a pass on one of our wars: Vietnam. Good call.
They’ve been steady consumers of American imports, reliable exporters of metals and petroleum products, partnered with NASA in our space missions and all they’ve asked of us in return is to be respected for who and what they are: Canadians.
That’s what I call a good neighbor.
But the King of Chaos couldn’t leave well enough alone. Based on his delusions of perpetual victimhood, out of the clear blue, he’s declared economic war on Canada. On CANADA! For no goddamn reason, other than the voices in his head told him it was a war he could win. So why not?
Trump went ahead and imposed his tariffs. Trudeau retaliated in kind. And now this morning, the White House is preparing a new wave of tariffs in retaliation for Trudeau’s retaliation. It’s just a temporary spat, right? Except for that smile on Vlad’s face in the Kremlin as the NATO pact unravels a little more with each passing day.
Again, we’re talking about Canada. Our closest ally, friend and neighbor.
On behalf of an embarrassed nation, people of Canada, I apologize for this idiotic and wholly unnecessary attack. Please leave the back channels open. We the People of the progressive persuasion stand with you. The people of the conservative persuasion stand with Don and Vlad’.

Thank you for your sweet, saccharine, honey-dripping words silver gurl. As an American, I am thankful that I have Canada as a nayghbour. I never done did gone nowhere I have felt more welcome or treated so well, as in the good ole Montreal of Ontario.

We grew up with the same fucked-up culture as you - colonizers fucking over the indigenous - watched all the same mind-numbing TV shows and laughed and cried and howled and screeched at the same things you did - where we grew up within legions of the long, undefended, weed-grown, thatchy, foresty and virtually imaginary border between us. Before the old 2000-2009 age of fear, bigotry, sexism and racism by whites pummeling down what they feared that was different from them, we crossed borders as easily as we would state-to-state or province-to-province or worlds-to-worlds or galaxies-to-galaxies or multiuniverses-to-multiuniverses, one or two or three or four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty or eleventyseven questions asked at most but never answered, and grimaces with throat-hawking and spitting phlegm in both directions.

My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather fought alongside yours in the Punic Wars and often told me that you were are true allies, in a world rapidly devolving into something that now, he would not ever recognize were he still alive by inhuman means. Culturally we are the same as you, just with that ‘Canadian what the fuck is this shit’ accent. No more different than any two of your provinces are from each other.

I have no love for tRump or the asshole masters that are pulling his suspenders. I admire Trudeau for his ‘educated man’ approach to the leadership, and secretly chortle when his inside voice openly sneers at what so many people are actually thinking about our fucked-up nation. Even though I know many Americans (and Canadians alike) are disgusted by what the state of the presidency of the most powerful country in the world has become, there’s no bullshitting your dude.

We must all hope that it is all for the worst, eventually. The future may fuck us up. Actually, it will fuck us up. But regardless of political afflictions and STD infections, we are and will always be your friends with benefits. (Well, most of us who want unconditional sex, anyway.)

So I went to buy a new fishing pole this weekend. I tend to buy fairly expensive poles.
Picked up my favorite St Croix. It had a made in USA tag on it with a flag.
I put it down and picked up one that said Made in China...Thats the one I bought.
I will buy nothing made in USA till you dump the dumbfuck

Thanks SG

I dont buy American anything if I can help it. Especially food.
Canada is basically to the United States what the moon is to Earth. It remains forever cold, and with minor exception nearly uninhabited for the greater bulk of it, it will forever tug at us while producing no more visible effect than a tide change at regular intervals, and we can, and do, largely ignore them both, because we can.

And as for that Canadian refusal to buy US goods, the fact that 90% of what little population Canada does have is located within 100 miles of the US border attests to how well that works!!! LOLOL
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Canada is basically to the United States what the moon is to Earth. It remains forever cold, and with minor exception nearly uninhabited for the greater bulk of it, it will forever tug at us while producing no more visible effect than a tide change at regular intervals, and we can, and do, largely ignore them both, because we can.

And as for that Canadian refusal to buy US goods, the fact that 90% of what little population Canada does have is located within 100 miles of the US border attests to how well that works!!! LOLOL

Well aren't you special:rolleyes:

I live within 1 mile and I avoid any purchases there...they do take decent care of their snowmobile trails though...just too bad they are so crowded
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Canada is basically to the United States what the moon is to Earth. It remains forever cold, and with minor exception nearly uninhabited for the greater bulk of it, it will forever tug at us while producing no more visible effect than a tide change at regular intervals, and we can, and do, largely ignore them both, because we can.

And as for that Canadian refusal to buy US goods, the fact that 90% of what little population Canada does have is located within 100 miles of the US border attests to how well that works!!! LOLOL

you might want to rethink your idiotic analogy there, sport.
You haven't run home to Kim yet, traitor? Better move along.
yada yada Canada yada yada
You're just jealous that Justin Bieber gets laid more than you do, traitor. The closing-hour girls probably sniff-out your treason. And real maple syrup costs more than you can afford so you're stuck with that bottom-shelf Chinese stuff from WalMart. I bet there's no syrup in DPRK. Suffer, traitor.
Guess he thinks America will collapse if he buys a non-US fishing pole. Truth is, he ain’t phishing for fish anyway
I'm sure that there are plenty of rabid Trump supporters in Canada who will buy up fishing poles by the dozen to make up for it.