
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unregistered

Lancecastor said:
No way. He's Hanns & Lavender channeling Siren.

Fuck that noise...I'm going to the Playground. Bastards.
This thread needs some atmosphere:

Well I gather frying turkeys would turn anyone's evening around...or is it the hot oil? Though not vegetable oil.
calypso_21 said:
Well I gather frying turkeys would turn anyone's evening around...or is it the hot oil? Though not vegetable oil.

Golden brown skin, hot juices squirting out from the thighs when spread...that's when you know the bird is ready for eating, basted in creamery butter....mmmm

And then there's turkey.
Suckin' on the meat.
Want gravy with that Caly?

Hey Indigo, how's your bad self?
What with Lance talking to himself AKA unregistered and Spin visiting the Playground, I might actually miss this nuthouse when I leave.
Indigo.Rose said:
sleepy man. diablo server is down again, im pissy about it! my necro was just about level again!

Ha! How's the spawn of satan doing?