under-appreciated musicians


Hare puller
Apr 13, 2002
No, not bands that nobody's heard of yet, but artists that have a body of work that doesn't get the respect it deserves.

Por ejemplo:

Neil Finn - Started his musical career with Split Enz back in the 70's. His brother Tim was the lead singer. In the mid-80's, he was the lead singer for the brilliant New Zealand band Crowded House. They put out several albums, all of them excellent, and a wonderful greatest hits CD, "Recurring Dream" - 19 songs, none of them requiring fast-forward.

Crowded House broke up in the mid 90's (much to my dismay), and after releasing an acoustic-ish album with his brother Tim, Neil has put out a couple of good solo CDs.

Excellent songwriter, talented musician, great voice. Glen Phillips said it best - "Neil Finn is a god."
tori amos...never gets enough rotation from the alterna stations and no airplay from other stations. And her music is certainly better than most of the poppy music out there.
deliciously_naughty said:
tori amos...never gets enough rotation from the alterna stations and no airplay from other stations. And her music is certainly better than most of the poppy music out there.

Not much of a fan, but her "Purple Rain" cover rocks.
Well, I'm not sure if they are under-appreciated or not,

but I would say:

Loe Reed and Elvis Costello
I wasn't much of a fan until the last CD (Man Under the Influence) - won me over.
Never said:

I can't see where she is under appreciated at. I mean, she has been one of the foremost, groundbreaking artists where sexual expressionism in video art is concerned, not to mention her strength in speaking out agains racial and other taboos. She has shaped the very essence of pop culture, and the norms that have existed in pop culture since the 80's.

She fills areanas. She has hundreds of thousands of fans.

What do you mean, under appreciated?

Are you being ironic again?
WaxNWane said:

Neil Finn - Started his musical career with Split Enz back in the 70's. His brother Tim was the lead singer. In the mid-80's, he was the lead singer for the brilliant New Zealand band Crowded House. They put out several albums, all of them excellent, and a wonderful greatest hits CD, "Recurring Dream" - 19 songs, none of them requiring fast-forward.

Crowded House broke up in the mid 90's (much to my dismay), and after releasing an acoustic-ish album with his brother Tim, Neil has put out a couple of good solo CDs.

Excellent songwriter, talented musician, great voice. Glen Phillips said it best - "Neil Finn is a god."

Ooooooooo! *cues creepy music* I opened this thread while playing "Poor Boy" by split enz!
Ah, Elliot Smith - nice one. Thank jehovah "Good Will Hunting" got him some notice.

Split Enz rooocks. :)

And, to the list:
Toad the Wet Sprocket (TheGreatestBandOfAllTime)
I saw Toad the Wet Sprocket at Iguana's in TJ years ago. It was a good show, except the singer dude kept ragging on the people in the front for "moshing". Criminy - like TTWS is moshpit music. People were just jumping up and down and having fun...but apparently people having fun irked him for some reason.