Unbounded Desire

Window 1 ... very, very sexy! I'd be jogging very slooooowly past your house every day!
That sounds wonderful and so tender. I do like it slow.;)
You take time to make each person here feel appreciated fully. Always. How could we not do your bidding? Kisses well deserved and delivered at the right speed with just the right hint of yearning.
You did wait for the beleaguered Mail lady to be gone I hope!
You take time to make each person here feel appreciated fully. Always. How could we not do your bidding? Kisses well deserved and delivered at the right speed with just the right hint of yearning.
You did wait for the beleaguered Mail lady to be gone I hope!

Thanks, I do appreciate everyone. She doesn't deliver on Monday, it's some dude instead. :D
A couple of very lovely ladies on Lit have started posting videos and I've become inspired by them. Here's my humble attempt at a video. It's a bit older and was cropped, but hopefully you'll like it. Heavy cream is really annoying to wash off, by the way.

Am I a horrible woman for becoming even more turned on after I saw the wedding band?! Thank you. I'll be tucking that in the back of my mind for personal use. :devil:

And I'd shoot you a warm, inviting smile in hopes you'd ring the bell and introduce yourself. ;)
"Excuse me sir, yes, your morning paper was more on the sidewalk then your driveway, I didn't want some careless jogger to trip over it. You want to invite me in for Earl Grey? Oh, that'd be perfect! Oh yes, those are my panties inside your newspaper, I wonder how they got there?!" ;)
Am I a horrible woman for becoming even more turned on after I saw the wedding band?! Thank you. I'll be tucking that in the back of my mind for personal use. :devil:

No. No you're not. :D And let's talk about that personal use ;)

"Excuse me sir, yes, your morning paper was more on the sidewalk then your driveway, I didn't want some careless jogger to trip over it. You want to invite me in for Earl Grey? Oh, that'd be perfect! Oh yes, those are my panties inside your newspaper, I wonder how they got there?!" ;)

And, yes, please. More of that story will do nicely! :devil::kiss::kiss::kiss:
No. No you're not. :D And let's talk about that personal use ;)
And, yes, please. More of that story will do nicely! :devil::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Is there an armless chair in your foyer? We will need one. :devil: I don't need a grand tour of the house maybe to the kitchen to grab more cream :kiss::kiss: back at you, Stud.
Is there an armless chair in your foyer? We will need one. :devil: I don't need a grand tour of the house maybe to the kitchen to grab more cream :kiss::kiss: back at you, Stud.

No chair, but a really comfortable sectional with matching ottoman in the next room. The windows open to very warm sunshine this time of year. We may have to continue this in private :devil::D
Omfg. You can't be real. If you are -why aren't you in my bed?

Thank you for that lovely compliment. Though I have frequented your most amazing thread in your absence, your bed remains on a higher pillar which I can only ascend upon invitation. My mailbox remains open in anticipation, my love.

Too corny? Yeah, probably ;)
I can't even


ughhhhhhh! I cannot deal with how fucking sexy your shoulders and back are.
I would love to drag my nails over you... tickling a little bit... along your shoulders while I kiss your neck. And then of course dig them in while I cry out your name as you enter me.

ughhhhhhh! I cannot deal with how fucking sexy your shoulders and back are.
I would love to drag my nails over you... tickling a little bit... along your shoulders while I kiss your neck. And then of course dig them in while I cry out your name as you enter me.

Oh, that would do just nicely. :devil:
Just me being nosy, but are you a photographer, and take pics of other subjects, and other people as well, or do you just limit it to your own fine self?

You have a wonderful eye for composition and light. Clearly dear, you yourself are a work of art, and one would be hard pressed to take a bad pic of you, but your pictures are so very well done, and quite professional looking.

If you aren't, you should probably consider it because you are very talented.
Just me being nosy, but are you a photographer, and take pics of other subjects, and other people as well, or do you just limit it to your own fine self?

You have a wonderful eye for composition and light. Clearly dear, you yourself are a work of art, and one would be hard pressed to take a bad pic of you, but your pictures are so very well done, and quite professional looking.

If you aren't, you should probably consider it because you are very talented.

I am not, but thank you. I have been an artist all my life, though, so that helps. Thank you and you're not being nosy. I'd like to take more pictures of other subjects, but just don't have much time.
Two new series of pics on the way. One is per a request, but has taken a shape in my mind that is going to take some time to create. In the meantime, I'll work on the other.

Hint on the next to be posted: Once a rocker, always a rocker. :cool:
Two new series of pics on the way. One is per a request, but has taken a shape in my mind that is going to take some time to create. In the meantime, I'll work on the other.

Hint on the next to be posted: Once a rocker, always a rocker. :cool:
I wanna rock rock rock rock....I WANT TO ROCK....
( I can still get behind that and can not wait to see! xx