UK and Ireland Thread.

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I haven't a kilt either, actually. It's those barbarian trousers for me. But given a choice I'd run naked and let someone else warm my groin. :eek:

I think everyone would!

Right, I'm going to disappear for a bit. I have a coupla things to see to before I hopefully collapse for the night.
Yeah, the actual drawing part would be the problem.

Find a drawing of a panther -- a simple line drawing, if you can -- and copy it. Then copy it again. And again. You'll start to get good at drawing the original artist's idea of a panther. Then find another example and copy it. I suggest charcoal or conte crayon, and at least 8" x 10" in size. Draw basic lines, and then shade it in. Start with five shades -- zero (just the paper), full black, and three shades in between. You can get more nuanced as you learn. And you will learn if you practice. Move on to drawing from a photograph, where the image is there and sitting still, but you have to make your own decisions about the lines and the shades. Get good at that and then you can go to the zoo and draw from life.
I've had the heating on :D

Good for you, no point in suffering just on principle that it's late April and cannot be cold!

Nice new AV, though maybe by the time this is posted you will have switched it again to keep us guessing and interested!

Works for me ;) :rose:
Hey BFG,

I hope you are well pretty lady.

No one has the rights to BFG except you :kiss:

I'm off to bed folks. Keep well!!!
Late one again for me, just stopping by to wish everyone a pleasant night's sleep :D

Hi BFG, it's been ages since I've caught up with you :kiss::rose:

Nice av Femme, how am I supposed to sleep now?? :kiss::rose:
Good morning All,

First day of book fair, and no one is here yet!!

Also, first coffee of the day gulped down. I reckon Costa and I are going to be best mates after this week!

Have a lovely day folks. Will try to pop in when time permits.
Good morning All,

First day of book fair, and no one is here yet!!

Also, first coffee of the day gulped down. I reckon Costa and I are going to be best mates after this week!

Have a lovely day folks. Will try to pop in when time permits.

Morning Ralf

Have a good day
Morning Ralf, hhb, hope it's a good one for you. Am sure we missed spring and summer and have just hit late autumn! Brrrr!!

Hey LC,

Hope you have a good day.

I'm stuck inside all day, and just realised there is a jet of cold air pointing right into my stand. Need a jacket, gloves and hat!
Hey LC,

Hope you have a good day.

I'm stuck inside all day, and just realised there is a jet of cold air pointing right into my stand. Need a jacket, gloves and hat!

Sorry Ralf, no sympathies from a UK that is just 3 deg outdoors, had hail and heavy rain overnight and has a daytime predicted high of just 8.... aircon complaints not accepted!! :D
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