U$ Imperialist Aims for Iraq Announced

Don K Dyck

Devilish Don Downunder
Jun 29, 2002
Washington, Monday.

Today the Washington office of the Oz ABC Radio filed a report sourced from the White House announcing that the U$ is going to "liberate" Iraq and occupy the country for about 18 months. The Iraqis will pay for the "pleasure of U$ occupation forces" by surrendering to U$ oil corporations intent on supplying the wasteful U$ market, all rights to their own undeveloped oil reserves.


The U$ will justify their position by claiming that their 10 years of economic sanctions were unsuccessful at obtaining the necessary oil concessions from Saddam Hussein.

The "Holy War Against Islam" should really please the surrounding Arab (Islamic) nations who have already rejected U$ offers to develop their oil reserves. Saudi Arabia, host to a growing number of U$ troops assembling for the imminent U$-Iraq War for control of Undeveloped Oil Reserves, will be terribly impressed as they consider the options for developing thier own pertochemical industry to challenge U$ monopoly supply of about 4,000 high value petroleum derived products.

There is no doubt that the U$ oil corporatoin interests will prevail over any established contracts between the present Iraq government and other non-U$ oil corporations.

One unnamed source claimed that the Iraq Imperialist Incursion was NOT a war because the assault phase was scheduled to last less than 89 days. Similarly, the 18 months occupation was NOT a war because the new Iraqi puppet government would be inviting U$ "Peacekeepers" to "assist" in the smooth transfer of Iraqi oil resources to U$ oil corporations.

Seem to think that this was the strategy for getting America involved in Vietnam for 12 years, with the necessary conscription of American youth.

The best strategy seems to be buying shares in the corporations supplying body bags to the military . . . sadly, as the occupation forces are engaged by Iraqis reluctant to give up their natural resources, the demand for body bags will rise exponentially.

Stay tuned for the next Imperialist adventure of Dubyah Shrub and the U$ oil corporations. :)
For one, I do not wanna get in a pissing contest over something we including you and I do not have all the facts. 2 I am proud that GB is my Commander in Chief and am glad to serve during his presidency and do not appreciate the BS being posted about OUR not your President and or Government
The U$ will justify their position by claiming that their 10 years of economic sanctions were unsuccessful at obtaining the necessary oil concessions from Saddam Hussein.

UN Sanctions.

The best strategy seems to be buying shares in the corporations supplying body bags to the military . . . sadly, as the occupation forces are engaged by Iraqis reluctant to give up their natural resources, the demand for body bags will rise exponentially.

You got a link? How about the Oil companies? My portfolio needs some petro companies.

TY for your insight reporting, I'm sure I'll make a couple of buck$ from it.
School kid? Excuse me. Maybe not. After 19 years in the military I hardly qualify for that
I wonder

I wonder sometimes: are there really people that gullible they can't see through the threadbares excuses for war, or is there a CIA (or other nefarious agency) operative posting here under a multitude of assumed identities?
Vinny said:
I am proud that GB is my Commander in Chief and am glad to serve during his presidency and do not appreciate the BS being posted about OUR not your President and or Government

Whilst George's policies have a direct influence on my life I will continue to criticise that worthless piece of undemocratic shit for as long as I wish...

I've always wanted to say that...


Re: I wonder

I wonder sometimes: are there really people that gullible they can't see through the threadbares excuses for war, or is there a CIA (or other nefarious agency) operative posting here under a multitude of assumed identities?

Well, as you've already made accusations of the latter...
Free speech is a wonderful thing. SO is being a Super Power with friends like Britain. The Muslim Fundamentalists have no chance. Especially the low life Palestinians. Fuck em all. I always wanted to say that

It's our God-given right to intervene in the affairs of any other nation we wish, and even invade them and impose "regime change" upon them, but don't anyone from another country dare criticize us!
I am not going against their freedom to criticize But I am also free to disagree. I also am free to say if you don't like it somewhere get your sorry ass out of this country
Re: I wonder

I wonder sometimes: are there really people that gullible they can't see through the threadbares excuses for war, or is there a CIA (or other nefarious agency) operative posting here under a multitude of assumed identities?

I don't think they're gullible. I think the answer lies in the young age of many of the posters and their general lack of street-wise experience when it comes to the way the world is...

The others are just gullible of course...


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Re: Yeah

It's our God-given right to intervene in the affairs of any other nation we wish, and even invade them and impose "regime change" upon them, but don't anyone from another country dare criticize us!

2004 you vote Republican right? :)
Vinny said:
if you don't like it somewhere get your sorry ass out of this country

What? And leave America to run rough-shod over everyone without a counter-weight to keep her in check...

You've not got a hope in hell of that ever happening...

Although I suppose you'd just love it that way, then you can continue in your fantasy that you actually live in the land of the free.

Quick thought experiment:

Imagine for a moment that this time next year the economy is on its way to recovery, Saddam Hussein has been removed from power, and Iraq has been made to comply with UN regulations vis a vis WMD's.

What's the emotional state of Redwave, Donkey, and PP at this good news?
PP_Man for some strange reason I like you. I cannot figure it out. But anyway, yes we are free and yes I have lived in a dozen other countries and some were more beautiful that the US but none were or had as many freedoms that we have. No I am not a youngster as you declared earlier. I am very street wise and have been around. From experience the US has more freedoms. Ok lets be fair. More freedom then the countries I have been too which I may add are pretty respectable countries
Oliver Clozoff said:
Quick thought experiment:

Imagine for a moment that this time next year the economy is on its way to recovery, Saddam Hussein has been removed from power, and Iraq has been made to comply with UN regulations vis a vis WMD's.

What's the emotional state of Redwave, Donkey, and PP at this good news?

I am sure they will come up with some BS thread saying how the CIA threatened Fox News, and how GB paid of MSNBC just to say we won the war but in reality we did not. Just so they can keep face here. What little they have already
Imagine there's no countries . . .

Well, anybody can imagine most anything they want, Ollie. But I found your phraseology very interesting: "this time next year the economy is on its way to recovery." Yep, they've been saying the economy was on its way to recovery for two years now, but it hasn't recovered yet. Apparently, even you aren't optimistic it will have recovered a year from now, just that it will be "on the way to" recovery. Sort of reminds me of old Herbert Hoover: "Prosperity is right around the corner."
Oliver Clozoff said:
Quick thought experiment:

Imagine for a moment that this time next year the economy is on its way to recovery, Saddam Hussein has been removed from power, and Iraq has been made to comply with UN regulations vis a vis WMD's.

What's the emotional state of Redwave, Donkey, and PP at this good news?

They'll be happy as clams, (or rather depressed and morose, which to them is bliss) and just claim it's all a corporate media lie, yes the Republican/Shrub controlled media.

They'll never be happy. They're main function in life is to be pissed off at America, or in RED's more specific bitchmode, pissed off at capitalism. That's why I don't really waste my time on them anymore.

They're like watching the same bad comedy act over and over. Their tune never changes. It's boring as hell.

Amazing how you consistently fail to get what I actually did say, and then try to put words into my mouth that I never would say.
I'm about the most anti-dubyah person I know. I'm ashamed that he sits in the Whitehouse and speaks for the millions of thinking Americans. Who really believes that it is GWB that has made these decisions? If you do, then you're as stupid as he is.

Still: Maniacs, like Sodamn Insane and Khaddafi (remember him? Not much heard from that quarter these days...) would really like to rule more than their little pieces of turf. For that matter, virtually ALL fundamentalists of any stripe (YES! You Bible-thumping Assembly of God/Baptist/ etc., etc. --- YOU TOO!) Would love nothing more than to see divine retribution descend on all the sinners (i.e. everybody they don't see every Sunday or Saturday morning). Conservative fundamentalists will bring about the destruction of the American way of life.

Whether it is "right" to wage war on Iraq, or Afghanistan or to insist that North Korea not start their nuclear power plants again, is immaterial. It is a prudent maneuver in the global theater. The U.S. cannot police the world, and that is not the point. All this is about is preserving our way of life, just the way everybody else is trying to do.

Australia is not "A Power", so they can ride along on the coattails of those who have the strength to make a difference. Aussies are free to express their opinions (mostly thanks to the U.S. Founding Fathers) just as we are. As such, they are free to be as wrong as any American. Including me!!