Tying him down...


Really Experienced
Mar 23, 2002
I'd like to tie my SO down to a bed or chair or something, and have some fun.. im not really into the BDSM lifestyle really, although me and my guy have power trips. we both like being in control, and both like being controlled, at different times or both at the same time. both sub and dom. i tried tying him one time, but he mananged to get free and completely took the fun out of everything. he likes the idea, but he wont let himself be tied if he can find any way out. now, our sleeping arangments have changed and there is absolutely nothing to tie him down too.

I was wondering whether any of you would have helpful suggestions on how I could take him by surprise, tie him successful without going to buy any expensive equipement, and have my way with him helpless? any feedback would be very appreciated, especially with halloween quickly approaching.


A baseball bat swing on the back of his knees should do it. Make sure you swing it downwards in 45 degree angle. Good luck.
:eek: If you were serious in any way, I don't think that hitting him with a baseball bat would do very much but make him extremelly angry with me. i dont think a baseball bat would help very much when it comes to a testosterone driven guy. From what I from another thread, ball-busting would be more efficient, but once again, I want kids one day with him. I don't want to do anything irrevocable...
Get him tipsy and tie him up.

It shouldnt be long till he sobers up and voila!

He is tied up and suprised.

Sounds like a fun thing to do,as long as he doesnt get uncomfortable about being taken.

Which is what you would be doing.
Thanks a lot, lovetoread.. :) It won't be too hard to get him inebriated... as chilled vodka mentioned, theirs the peeing process, so i guess ill have to wait until after his bathroom run.. I appreciate it, I wonder why I couldn't think of this myself? :heart:

You could always wait til he goes to sleep. Then ducktape his hands behind him... assuming you wait until he's asleep on his tummy. Then just sit on him and duck tape his legs together. :)

From there ya should be able to do anything you want.

Have fun

Here's a thought maybe talk to him tell him what you want to do and maybe him may think it could be a cool thing to do.
Duct tape sounds like fun.. hoping it wont be TOO painful when i pull it off.. hariest man I've ever been with.. Definately something that I will be thinking about.

As for talking with him, it's been done.. That's how I know he'd enjoy it. Sometimes, we share bedtime stories, where we both contribute to the story at different intervals. Definately a turn-on. He liked it then, I'm sure he'll enjoy being completely helpless in the future.

Love your AV Skitten, looking into cat costumes myself :)
