Two hundred and forty dollars...

I know what you're thinking.

Barry & Levon...where'd you get $240?

Shhhhh....none of your concern, baby.
Right here I have a box of pudding, and the direction say: cook and chill.

That's what I do all night long, baby. I cook...and then I chill.

Aww yeah.
lavender said:
Why so much pudding?

Now we coulda bought 100 dollars worth of pudding. And that would have been...a lot of pudding.

But we had to go all the way. Take it all the way home, with 240 dollars worth of pudding.
This mouse made black charry Jello last night for the first time in maybe a year. Dude, what a thrill. Yum!
Are we going to have a lit pudding wrestling night? Who are you planning on putting into the vat of pudding? <ps. what flavors?>
Barry (last name: Sagittarius): Now if you'll excuse me, i have to whisper some sweet nothings to this pudding.

Lavon: I'll just be over here, mindin' my own.

(Edited because I can't spell my own birth sign on the first try.)
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Wow, state episodes broken up by sketch available on demand.

Excellent link, Grommit. I went image searching for The State...can't find anything but a handful of crummy screen shots...all the others have been taken off the various sites...*grumble*
You're using a Kids in the Hall thing as your AV!


it's time for $240.00 worth of puddin!