TSCLT 6.0: Hemi Bacon Intensive Care Bears

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Yes, it is. Lead (plumbum) guy is flying this bird by the seat of his pants.

He's good, but he ain't that fucking good.

So, my cane rail material arrived, and that's what I'll be a'workin' on tomorrow.

Out of sight and out of mind, thanks be to Allah!!!

We have some more weather arriving tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to get some errands done in the AM and then hole up and try to knock some more of my households 'to do's' off the list.

Too bad you can't give him lead poisoning. :)
Yeah, well, some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them.

In other news, it's going to get frigid for a couple of days early next week. Everyone is all atwitter, and not the web thingie, either.

Fuck it, the car heater works great.


Wet and mild today. Slowly, but inexorably, I am making headway on the pantries upstairs and by this weekend, I'm hoping to begin work on the downstairs survival storage and try to reclaim my workshop from a year of it bing used as a dump zone.

I have an cheap toolbox full of old tools that I think I will haul up to the pole barn. I have nearly 100 knives, but 90% of the time, I'm using my box cutter for household chores and I haven't "whittled" since my Boy Scout days. I do have a couple of nice big hunting knives that will stay indoors oiled wrapped in silicone cloth. A lot of those old tools can probably just go towards scrap, turn them into a Hyundai or something marginally more useful.

:D ;) ;)
Happy Thursday!!!

Old tools are a thing in the high-dollar junque market. They also are a clutter. The ones in demand bring the big bucks. The others bring dust and get in the way. Most aren't worth saving beyond a point because they weren't good to start with. I'm eyeballing what I have accumulated over the decades with the idea that lots is going away. A lot of other things are going away, too.

Wat will get to hide out today making things. There will be no hurry, just steady. Thanks be to Allah. But some really good info got put down in notes form yesterday for cranking up the next job, so we don't get fooled again.

The coffee is damn good this morning . . . .

I sense a good caning is in order.



Trust me, they will find a way to interfere with real work, I don't know how, but it is the way of life.

Some of these old tools with cords have good, heavy metal casings...
Morning folks.

My mother's second husband collected old carpentry and shipwrights tools, all wooden planes, adzes, etc. No one wanted them when he died. His collection would probably be worth a tidy chunk of change today.
My grandfather had a bunch of old tools. One of my "uncles" wound up with them.

Once upon a time, it mattered. Today, it doesn't.

My grandmother used to buy old tools at auctions. She amused herself going to them. A couple of things had some value. Most were just old.

Then you run into the issue of where to keep all of this shit and how to keep the decay from setting in . . . .

Morning folks.

My mother's second husband collected old carpentry and shipwrights tools, all wooden planes, adzes, etc. No one wanted them when he died. His collection would probably be worth a tidy chunk of change today.

I think the collector's market on a thing like that is not only limited, but dying off.

Who uses tools anymore? You just call "the guy" based on website recommendations.

I live in farm country, so "the guy" is a GP of tools. Hell, I know a couple of them, now that I think of it, who might want to take some of those old tools off my hands and still make use of them. There's really nothing wrong with any of it, but I get new drill bits and sockets every Christmas along with all the must-have tools like a laser level and a stud finder, both of which I cannot remember the last time I used. I use a measuring tape to find studs; it's not like they throw them in at random...

~~ wait for it ~~

;) ;)

... unless they work for Wat. :D
Actually, Wat's Oppressed Brown Workers do a reasonable job of getting and keeping things in an acceptable manner consistent with common trade practices.

It's the local boys who could fuck up a football bat.

And do - with alacrity.

And then they are so oppressed when they catch the wrath of Wat, the poor (millennial) dears.

The BE (before electricity) tools have some value. From the stuff I remember maybe a couple of thousand today. But Wat's point is well taken, the shit took up a lot of room and required fairly regular care to keep them from turning to junk.
A regular weasel?

Next you lot will be forming a casserole mob.

There's something to be said for that de-cluttering movement. They're a bunch of loonies, because the real test is, am I going to use this in the next five years, and have I used it in the last five. When the answer is no, make it go away. The more room is takes, the sooner you need to ask.

Yard sale, craigslist, the local trader rag, the yard and a half garbage bin, recycling . . . .


I can't really have a yard sale, I'd have to go out of my way to arrange traffic control for the driveway. Best to call out the Salvation Army as well as younger friends in the community who can actually use some of my junk and the rest can be dumped or recycled.
We have some local flea markets. One can load the truck, rent a table, and go sell off various and sundries.

I haven't tried it, but it might work.

Myth is, some folks make good money buyin'-n-sellin' at flea markets, and on eBay and so on and so forth.

Hmmm, maybe . . . .

Sounds like a lot of work and energy for too little return.

I would not begin to know how to price things to sell, not too high, not too low.
Which explains why no one wanted them. If you got the entire collection today and off'ed it immediately it would be worth the effort. But it wasn't worth it then.

Sun this AM, rain this afternoon, and then sneaux later tonight, then more rain tomorrow AM. <shrug>
I think that flea markets are iffy at best, and that rumors of monies made are just that.

Unless you have something that you know will sell, like (some) tools. I scored my last circle-saw for cheap at a flea market, quite incidentally.

But tools are like firearms. They have purposes, and there are reasosn you have what you have.


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