TSCLT 6.0: Hemi Bacon Intensive Care Bears

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Since this seems to be a catch-all thread, why not toss out an etiquette question that came up today among friends visiting a friend at the hospital.
When you're walking down hospital corridors, what is the appropriate time limit when stopping to look into rooms at patients?
The question arose when two friends arrived at our patient buddy's room with one complaining they would have been there much earlier except the other guy insisted on stopping and staring at least 20 seconds into each room. The complainer said 10 seconds was an appropriate limit.
The whole conversation appalled me. I've never stopped and stared for more than five seconds, though I did get a good scolding once from a nurse for tiptoeing into a room and pushing aside a curtain while she was giving an old guy a catheter.
Gross. Learned my lesson.
What do you guys think?
Happy Wednesday!!! It's back to work for the oppressed proletariat, back under the bootheel of Da Man. I wish he'd at least clean off the mud before grinding the heel on my neck.

Up and about early. Fortunately, the day won't last much past sunset.

Have a few more things to pack before beating feet outta here. Have some coffee to get drunk meantime.

When I was last, briefly, hospitalized, I had them (when I was conscious) pull the door almost closed, leaving it cracked, so gawkers and other silly fuckers would be encouraged to walk on by. While on a ward walk, I look at open ward doors by the Nunya rule - nunya fuckin' bizness.

Morning Wat.

Nice pristine layer of sneaux out there. Supposed to be sneauxing off and on until sometime tonight. Fine by me, still haven't run out of food, water, or heat. Thinking of kicking the cats out for a bit just to watch them do the "paw shake walk" (that could a been one of those weird dances they made up during the 60's) and so that they'll duly appreciate the services I provide them.

I'll go with the nunya rule on the hospital room staring thing. If I were a patient how long they stared would depend on whether the hosp. allowed me to have my pistol in the room or not.
I'm thinking something to throw would suffice. Like small rocks.

Of course, I'd miss and create collateral damage in the hall.

A trip outside to see the sneaux might be just what the felines need to adjust their humility. The paw shake is funny. I don't get much of that here.

Okay, I'm running a few minutes late, so I needs ta get goin' to see these weasels . . . .'

Looking into the rooms is a serious faux pas. It's not meant to be freak sideshows at the circus.

It's staying about freezing here, for how much longer, I have no idea.
It's one of those years where you're just waiting for the "other shoe" to drop. Usually weather like this means ice storms in this part of the country.
So far it's turning out to be a sneaux year here...……...finally. Most of the ski resorts have at least a 30" base now with a few reporting 48" + bases. That's good news for more than the skiers.
As expected the feline foray into the great white didn't last long. They came back through the door like a mob at the Walmart front door on black Friday.
"Those" Walmarts seem to be located near Liberal enclaves because we just don't experience that here...

;) ;)

Conceal-carry may have a little to do with that, but I think its more of a cultural thing plus there's such a thing as cyber-Monday. Now these people will fight to the death over a big-screen TV while pretty much ignoring the deals on computers.
"Those" Walmarts seem to be located near Liberal enclaves because we just don't experience that here...

;) ;)

Conceal-carry may have a little to do with that, but I think its more of a cultural thing plus there's such a thing as cyber-Monday. Now these people will fight to the death over a big-screen TV while pretty much ignoring the deals on computers.

The higher the population density, the more likely the "progressive" political base, the more likely mob behavior at the stores.

You're my go-to Partner-in-Crime, so I might ask. You're so . . . resourceful!!!

Anytime, I'm your person.

Since this seems to be a catch-all thread, why not toss out an etiquette question that came up today among friends visiting a friend at the hospital.
What do you guys think?

Out of respect, only look if you think the person you are visiting may be in the room and if you have to look keep it as short as possible and never look behind the curtains. Everyone seems to spend a bit of time there at some point in their life so I view it as pay it forward and mind your own business.

Snow if flying here but it should be mid 40s again soon and a sloppy muddy mess tomorrow.
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