TSCLT 4.0: Bitchy Malevolent Baby Ducks

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Little bastards, chasing us around and nipping at our ankles.

So the thread asks if there are any Satanists here. I wonder more about Stalinists.

I find little difference between the two.

Apparently, Iosef wasn't much on personal hygiene . . . .

I am malevolent, therefore I am relevant. They are more like South American Populist Socialists gone bad. And I bet several of them have not only poor hygiene, but rotting teeth.
There is a fair number of tenants on my jobsite either with no teeth or poorly fit false ones.

There's this guy back home who had two teeth. He runs his mouth a lot, so one could look inside entirely too often.

Well, he got the bad ones pulled and a full set of dentures, which likely feel weird on his gums, and like don't fit all that well. Think bottom end assistance level.

So nowadays he spends time looking like this: :D

I have good teeth, but if I were ever to replace them, I would go with the screw-in teeth; maybe a Jack Palance silver...
Teeth should last a lifetime.

It ain't that tough to get them there.

Okay, granted, some people have hereditarily bad teeth, but if that's not the case, I see no excuse, except bad parenting.

Off to see these weasels then . . . .

Bad nutrition as a child causes a lot of teeth problems when you grow up as well as other things

We are heading to 45F today with freezing drizzle expected to hit around the noon hour rush.

Yesterday was a clusterquack of a day, today should be a lot better but I'm keeping the ducks on guard duty anyway.

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Trump won on his policy stands...
Unexpected and unwanted by himself, Tromp won the game on a technicality while ten million more voted against him than for him. Tromp and the Gups act as if they have a mandate. They don't. Their toxic policies are despised by most Americans. Tromp demonstrates that he's an infantile whining luzer. Oy.

But I digress.

Your naked scientists need to put on some lead-lined clothes, they are are showing some major genetic mutations.
Unexpected and unwanted by himself, Tromp won the game on a technicality while ten million more voted against him than for him. Tromp and the Gups act as if they have a mandate. They don't. Their toxic policies are despised by most Americans. Tromp demonstrates that he's an infantile whining luzer. Oy.

But I digress.


You have said that at least one hundred times in the past year. Are you suffering from early dementia? You seem to have a basic grasp of history and the Constitution surely you know that the Electoral College is not a technicality, it is the constitutionally mandated methodology for allocating votes to the several States. The States elect the president the president is not elected in an at-large popularity contest. This is news to you or did you forget for the 99th time ? it's how every president for the last 45 presidents has been elected. There's no technicality involved at all.
Home. Eating leftover pizza from lunch - two meals outta one. The lunch version was hotter and fresher, but this version is seasoned better.

I kinda think the tax cut was a nice move for my wallet. It's certainly better than a tax cunt.

I took a picture of rubber ducks at the store today. I'll have to move them over and post them for you silly people.

It got to 67* today. All praises to Allah . . . .

It's 57º here now, but the bottom is supposed to fall out this evening. There's an ice storm on the way, so I need to stock up on some provisioning.
Happy Thursday!!!

It's 45 here heading to over 60 again, with rain on the way and a cold front and more precipitation behind that.

It could be an interesting drive home tomorrow night. Or it could mean staying here. We'll see.

Kitteh will be angreh . . . .

Would love to chat, but I'm off to Denny's for coffee. I just got a text and everyone wants to talk about the dirty dossier and the cold that caused it to be released.
Well, please say hello to the gang from us folks here at the pR0n board.

Rubber baby ducks and all.

I need to get some fresh stuff today, we are running low on bread, milk and fruit but are otherwise well stocked.

Went out for a bit last night and met a few new folks, everyone was nice, most intelligent and articulate. The food was good, hot beverages flowed and I had a good time.

It was later than my usual night though and I am feeling it this morning. At least it's warmer and the roads were all clear.

That's the way my week/school-night outings go, too. I'm always out a bit later than would be my "normal" bedtime, and I feel it.

Kinda like not falling back asleep yesterday morning.

Meh. Life goes on.

It's 57º here now, but the bottom is supposed to fall out this evening. There's an ice storm on the way, so I need to stock up on some provisioning.

Happy Thursday!!!

It's 45 here heading to over 60 again, with rain on the way and a cold front and more precipitation behind that.

It could be an interesting drive home tomorrow night. Or it could mean staying here. We'll see.

Kitteh will be angreh . . . .

Morning guys, it's 47 here. I have the day off so I think I'll run out and get a haircut this morning, get something to eat, and stop over at the neighbor's place to see what kind of torque wrench he wants to borrow.:rolleyes:
"I love it when a plan comes together!" -George Peppard as John "Hannibal" Smith in The A-Team

This day in general, and the company in particular, were arrayed to screw me.

A while back I was sitting right in front of a client's house when an assignment was offered. For some reason it was given to someone 26 Mi away they refused to cancel that guy off the assignment. this morning I took a flyer on an assignment two zones over I was 36 minutes away when I accepted it. I get 18 minutes from the assignment and they canceled me off and get it to somebody else.

I didn't bother to call and complain but I just kept truck in that way figuring I most likely would get there before anyone else because I was coming the back way. Sure enough I'm there about 3 or 4 minutes before the other guy shows up. I even help him find the client 'caise he didn't know where they were.

In the old days when you accepted an assignment in and outlying area like that you put in a code and if they accepted that code their guaranteeing payment whether or not the assignment gets cancelled.

Anyway I hang top find a minor assignment to do 20 minutes away go back to that zone get a highly lucrative one, get it taken care of and almost immediately in this sign another lucrative won back-to-back. So my day is done before noon but of course I'm not going to quit for the day because every other day lately has sucked.

This job is exactly like gambling you remember the good days and the ones that suck fade.

If I could simply have access to a list of everything that's going to be available in the next few days could plan my own logistics I could easily triple my income. Making this more efficient though it is not on anyone's agenda.

On the plus side any company run this poorly is going to be available cheap sooner or later.
"I love it when a plan comes together!" -George Peppard as John "Hannibal" Smith in The A-Team

This day in general, and the company in particular, were arrayed to screw me.

A while back I was sitting right in front of a client's house when an assignment was offered. For some reason it was given to someone 26 Mi away they refused to cancel that guy off the assignment. this morning I took a flyer on an assignment two zones over I was 36 minutes away when I accepted it. I get 18 minutes from the assignment and they canceled me off and get it to somebody else.

I didn't bother to call and complain but I just kept truck in that way figuring I most likely would get there before anyone else because I was coming the back way. Sure enough I'm there about 3 or 4 minutes before the other guy shows up. I even help him find the client 'caise he didn't know where they were.

In the old days when you accepted an assignment in and outlying area like that you put in a code and if they accepted that code their guaranteeing payment whether or not the assignment gets cancelled.

Anyway I hang top find a minor assignment to do 20 minutes away go back to that zone get a highly lucrative one, get it taken care of and almost immediately in this sign another lucrative won back-to-back. So my day is done before noon but of course I'm not going to quit for the day because every other day lately has sucked.

This job is exactly like gambling you remember the good days and the ones that suck fade.

If I could simply have access to a list of everything that's going to be available in the next few days could plan my own logistics I could easily triple my income. Making this more efficient though it is not on anyone's agenda.

On the plus side any company run this poorly is going to be available cheap sooner or later.

The Life of a Third-Rate Uber Knockoff Driver.
Beep Beep
Home. Went to the grocery store again for what I didn't get last night. Coffee and half-and-half. How in the name of The Babeh Jeebus's severed foreskin does that happen???

It's going to turn off cold here this weekend. Fortunately, I'm blowing town Friday afternoon.

I felt the same way about the outfit I drove for. - they couldn't manage their way out of an outhouse fire. That and the branch manager was robbing the drivers. They took care of a couple of older guys because they had been there since dirt was new. Otherwise, every time they (he) said, "we'll take care of you," it was time to bend and spread 'em because another shit chute reaming was headed your (my) way.

Motherfucking turd burglar!!!

I felt the same way about the outfit I drove for. - they couldn't manage their way out of an outhouse fire. That and the branch manager was robbing the drivers. They took care of a couple of older guys because they had been there since dirt was new. Otherwise, every time they (he) said, "we'll take care of you," it was time to bend and spread 'em because another shit chute reaming was headed your (my) way.
Motherfucking turd burglar!!!

I'm beginning to get the feeling that 2018 took lessons from your previous employer. So far no bodies to hide, no bail money needed and no prison orange outfits (although they would go well with Trump's skin tone).

Tomorrow we are taking a day off. It's a combination of paperwork and mental health and much needed.
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