Trying to find a lost old story


Aug 16, 2013
Hi I have been trying to track down this story for years now
I have searched everywhere I could think of. It was org posted on a bbs
I don't remember which one but it was circa 93-96.

The story starts out with a bro/sis spying on their parents that are swingers
They end up messing around too while watching then go back home for more anal fun.
The story continues in 3 parts where they end up forming a kind of high school swingers group
And it ends up involving a teacher too and later on there is a farm with horses and some horse beast action and it ends up with the parents and offspring all getting together fpr a giant orgy.

If anyone could help me find this story or it sounds familiar id love to find it again.
Try using the "Search This Thread" option at the top of the thread you're looking in.