Try This & Report Back

What the heck?

This thread is one of the record breakers in popularity.

"Millions" have tried Mr. G's suggestion and made glowing reports, almost as good as McD's! <groan>

Now he comes up with something for the A-spot, and we go 5 days without anybody saying anything???!!!

(Yes this is on my list, but believe it or not, every now and then there is a "dry spell" for us of several days. Next weekend for sure!)
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Re: Sharing

Mr.G said:
What WE need here though is more stories especially ones where she did NOT respond immediately. It is both informative and encouraging to hear of what YOU did to turn her on, persistance with the GSpot stimulation or the "Technique "- in whatever form, position etc etc to the point where it started to work for her. Was there any factor that would indicate why she did not respond as most women do when their G is stimulated the right way? Was it a physical condition, an attitude, a fear - WHAT did you discover about her that prevented it from happening and what did you do to make it work? How long did it take?
We need more feedback people. Share some stories. Share some variations.
Everybody's different. The only thing in common is the power of the orgasm. Whether it is during a wild screaming one night stand or if you've been together for 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 years and still LOVE to make her - watch her - feel her CUM. If this technique is new to you and has improved your love life then you should share. Do it for God and Country.

and us.

Okay, it's been a while but we just moved so I've been catching up quite a bit...
Here's our story...
Hubby and I decided to try THE technique outlined by Mr. G shortly before we moved to the new house... the pillow and everything. For me, there was a response but I felt like there wasn't enough. As if he could bring me right to the edge and have me grabbing the sheets, but then either having to back off, changing position or angle or thrust, or just flat out stopping. Eventually, we did stop, and that was okay. We had pretty damn good sex immediately afterwards. Eventually, I do want to try again but being as I have always had an issue communicating about sex and whatnot, I'm not sure how to have a conversation with him about what was good and what wasn't. Understand that I have a severe form of post partum depression coupled with the regular kind. Add that onto generalized anxiety disorder and you have me... one fucked up individual. We've been trying desperately to inhibit some of those inhibitions that seem to be pretty well under my skin, but so far we've made very little progress. There's your emotional/psychological setback.
Also, I do expect we will have success eventually. Since the first night of exploration, it seems to me as though when actually having intercourse, I am more aware at certain angles of him hitting the spot and again come right to the edge and need some more prodding, as it were, to really cum. It is at this point where he can no longer hold back (not that he hasn't been showing incredible willpower and stamina by this point) and cums, therefore leaving me sated, but not quite orGasmic. This is not to say I never orgasm. He usually brings me to one or more before the act of vaginal intercourse even begins. However, it does say that I believe maybe the length of time needed for *my* buildup may be considerably longer than we have previously tried (running in the half hour range) and so we may have to invest in some new toys as well as continue my psycho treatment.
Have I run on too long?

PS -- waiting on submission #1 to be approved... my eyes are crossing as bad as my fingers with the tension!!!
So it feels like little BUMPs on the top, up inside?

Good luck, CelticFrog, in your quest for the Good thing.
And in overcumming those other problems. They can be a real distraction.
Looking for your story.
I haven't had a chance to read threw ALL the posts but has anyone had success with index and middle finger g-spot stimulation? I've been damned to only have orgasms threw penetration only.. last time I tried clitoral stimulation It was way to intense and instead of haveing a release I got the equivalancy of male blue balls for the night. But back to the g-spot.. I've only found success in index and middle finger stimulation.. sometimes more... and yes I am unlucky enough to not have someone to play with... Not that it's stopping me. I figured this might be a good place to inquire?..

Oh and about the initial comment about being as rough as you'de like... GO for it! if you don't mind abit of blood 'n pain the day after...:devil: speaking from personal
Re: Re: Sharing

CelticFrog said:
Okay, it's been a while but we just moved so I've been catching up quite a bit...
Here's our story...
Hubby and I decided to try THE technique outlined by Mr. G shortly before we moved to the new house... the pillow and everything. For me, there was a response but I felt like there wasn't enough. As if he could bring me right to the edge and have me grabbing the sheets, but then either having to back off, changing position or angle or thrust, or just flat out stopping. Eventually, we did stop, and that was okay. We had pretty damn good sex immediately afterwards. Eventually, I do want to try again but being as I have always had an issue communicating about sex and whatnot, I'm not sure how to have a conversation with him about what was good and what wasn't. Understand that I have a severe form of post partum depression coupled with the regular kind. Add that onto generalized anxiety disorder and you have me... one fucked up individual. We've been trying desperately to inhibit some of those inhibitions that seem to be pretty well under my skin, but so far we've made very little progress. There's your emotional/psychological setback.
Also, I do expect we will have success eventually. Since the first night of exploration, it seems to me as though when actually having intercourse, I am more aware at certain angles of him hitting the spot and again come right to the edge and need some more prodding, as it were, to really cum. It is at this point where he can no longer hold back (not that he hasn't been showing incredible willpower and stamina by this point) and cums, therefore leaving me sated, but not quite orGasmic. This is not to say I never orgasm. He usually brings me to one or more before the act of vaginal intercourse even begins. However, it does say that I believe maybe the length of time needed for *my* buildup may be considerably longer than we have previously tried (running in the half hour range) and so we may have to invest in some new toys as well as continue my psycho treatment.
Have I run on too long?

PS -- waiting on submission #1 to be approved... my eyes are crossing as bad as my fingers with the tension!!!

Hi Celtic Frog . . . welcome to the wonderful weorld of orgasmic experimentation . . . your post raises three questions.

1. How long does it take to reach a supernovagasm?

Uhm . . . as long as it takes . . . relax, have a nice Ausrralian red wine or two, put on appropriate music, lie back and enjoy your man, slowly for preference . . . it will happen. Probably best to keep G-Spot stimulation in the latter part of your play because then you will be suitably excited.

The local girls here prefer some pussy play, at least 20-30 minutes, after sufficient foreplay to blow their minds repeatedly . . . before starting G-Spot stimulation.

Age, proximity to menopause and time of the month all seem to be factors, as well as individual difference.

2. Hanging on the Edge,

This happens quite frequently, especially at the end of the month. Don't worry, some times it is just plain old over-stimulation . . . back off, rest, relax, let your body cool down a bit, enjoy cuddling your man . . . then gradually work up to it again . . . it will usually happen. Note that sometimes, if you are physically tired, this may totally inhibit all response . . . so go to sleep and try again tomorrow.

Another very stimulating approach is to squat on his face while he eats your pussy and fingers at the same time . . . the rush is ENORMOUS!!! :D

3. Communicating with S/O

Personal hang-ups are a difficulty but need not be a problem. Don't know how to sort them, so won't worry about them.

Comunication - have you tried talking about it in a neutral place?

Find a nice quiet place, a park or beach or forest or whatever, preferably overlooking some water feature. Relax, let the ambience of the place make its effect . . . gradually lead the conversation arouind, perhaps with innuendo . . . then just come right out with it . . . tell him you enjoy your sex life and want to try this new technique . . . and take it from there.

HE can do Kegels and develop fantastic control . . . male control SO GOOD that you will probably be worn out by his passion . . . heheheh . . . I can recommend the Kegels . . . :D
What Don said.... X 2.

DLD, the only way in here I've heard of girls doing the GSpot thing to themselves is the index finger (plus 1 or 2) hooking up to hit / rub it or with a GSpot dildo but let's keep this to our own talents here.

Why not try the TECHNIQUE of full thumb insertion as described in the initial post - only do it to yourself. If your arm is long enough and your bum is over a pillow it'll be possible to lie FACE DOWN, reach back and do it that way. If your wrist is wedged in between the cheeks of your ass, the angle and the leverage should be better than being on your back. Thumb movements should be almost as good as if you had a partner behind you. The only thing you won't be able to do is keep going when you are exhausted. A partner can take you way past that point but this should be the next best thing. Don't forget though - build up to this. If you haven't "activated" your GSpot already then do this slowly. Make love to yourself. Give yourself a clitoral orgasm ( or 3 )and get turned on thinking about doing your GSpot next. Build up to it and then try this solo variation. You'll find it probably works better than the traditional way.

If this works for some of you, let us know.
PinkOrchid said:
I've tried (and tried and tried and tried). I can't reach it myself :(

I can have some pretty earth shattering orgasms with a vibrating g-spot gel dildo in my pussy, and my electric vibrator pressing on the outside of the g-spot area.

I have also noticed that since being with a lover who stimulates my g-spot, I can cum more and more with self stimulation than I could ever before. I have always been multiple but there was a limit to how many times I could cum. I just got out of the shower. I have put a hose in my shower, which is one of my favorite ways to get myself off. I used to do this for a short time, cum very intensely and that was it. Now I can direct the water to my clit and cum over and over again, literally until I am leaning against the shower wall for support and shaking. Has anyone else noticed a change like this in their ability to cum?
Welcome newbies

Just a friendly bump....

All you new to Lit...please go to front of this thread for some truely "earth-scattering" information. You won't be disappointed.

And greetings to all the regulars.... and our leader MR.G.
(Hope that Debb is doing OK.)

Re: Re: Re: Sharing

Don K Dyck said:
Hi Celtic Frog . . . welcome to the wonderful weorld of orgasmic experimentation . . . your post raises three questions.

1. How long does it take to reach a supernovagasm?

Uhm . . . as long as it takes . . .
Age, proximity to menopause and time of the month all seem to be factors, as well as individual difference.

2. Hanging on the Edge,

This happens quite frequently, especially at the end of the month. Don't worry, some times it is just plain old over-stimulation. {snip}

3. Communicating with S/O

Personal hang-ups are a difficulty but need not be a problem. Don't know how to sort them, so won't worry about them.

Comunication - have you tried talking about it in a neutral place?

HE can do Kegels and develop fantastic control . . . male control SO GOOD that you will probably be worn out by his passion . . . heheheh . . . I can recommend the Kegels . . . :D
I understand and agree with all of this but want to take the opportunity to respond to all of these points individually... I agree that it will take as long as it takes. I also believe that although our child is almost a year (Tuesday!) old, the effects of having him and the severity of my post partum depression although being treated are definitely a factor.
In our case, I have a feeling the problem was understimulation, as he just got plain worn out and we don't really have any toys (yes, working on that too) that have helped us. This is a common problem with us (me) and I bet that it's psychological. Hooray for group therapy!
I appreciate that personal hang-ups are something that should and could be worked around. However, in our current situation (oh boy, has it gotten CRAZY -- I think I'll start a thread on PTSD now) communication is hard to come by, especially on sensitive topics.
Having said all this, I believe we are making leaps and bounds in our sex life and I have every intention of trying again. He did a gerat job the one time we tried and feasibly I had a mediocre orgasm. I know lots of you think I'm crazy for calling an orgasm mediocre but I believe I have three levels of orgasmic experiences.
Mediocre to me is when the peak of my climax is substantially smaller than earth shattering. It follows all the medical definitions and whatnot and even feels afterward like an orgasm but just isn't as satisfying as what I know I could have had. These are great, mind you, as my goal usually isn't orgasm, it's the connection.
Following mediocre are great and earth shattering. Both are wonderful. I'm sure the difference can be made plain, but I will explain more later if necessary on my opinion. In the meantime, I'll go post a new topic on PTSD and its effect on sexual relationships.

I am new to this thread, but I have read a few pages at the beginning and at the end.

This technique feels *awesome* and makes me incredibly wet. It does not (unfortunately) make me cum...I cannot get enough tension built up using this method- or at least enough to push me over the edge..

I appreciate you sharing this technique however...and we will keep trying it. I will let you know if it ever the meantime it is fantastic for just playing around....

I beg to differ

GambitandRogue said:
Well, Mr. G, I can tell you from first hand experience that there is absolutely NOTHING orgasmic about giving birth. You seriously had me ROTFLMAO on that one... you can't be serious. LOL, just curious, have you ever been in a delivery room when a woman is giving birth? I suggest you not ask her if it was orgasmic, or you will be thankful that you are in a hospital to receive medical attention.

Childbirth CAN be orgasmatic, check out .

I tried Mr G's technique w/ my hubby last night and OMFG. It was the most excruciatingly painful yet pleasurable experience of my life. Wow. The only thing I could compare it to was the intensity of giving birth at home, unassisted to my second baby.
Same here!

naughty_erica said:

I am new to this thread, but I have read a few pages at the beginning and at the end.

This technique feels *awesome* and makes me incredibly wet. It does not (unfortunately) make me cum...I cannot get enough tension built up using this method- or at least enough to push me over the edge..

I appreciate you sharing this technique however...and we will keep trying it. I will let you know if it ever the meantime it is fantastic for just playing around....


I loved the sensation but couldn't get over the edge either! Of course it doesn't help that I was attempting this alone!!! I used a G-spot dildo and ended up with a cramp in my hand after 15 minutes (hey I gave it a GOOD try!). I will have to explore this further with my SO as soon as we are together again!
Re: Same here!

pixiewitch said:
I loved the sensation but couldn't get over the edge either! Of course it doesn't help that I was attempting this alone!!! I used a G-spot dildo and ended up with a cramp in my hand after 15 minutes (hey I gave it a GOOD try!). I will have to explore this further with my SO as soon as we are together again!

Hi pixiewitch and naughty erica,

From experience, things just don't necessarily happen immediately when you begin this technique . . . I think for some people there is a learning process which over time "educates" the body to respond . . . and there is all the usual lead up play things to consider as well . . . some people find it very easy, others for many reasons learn how it happens.

Flying solo has given various results as shown on this thread. Therefore it wouldbe reasonable to assume that ease of orgasm is an individual response conditioned by erotic arousal and previous erotic experience. This is difficuly to quantify because there are so many variables. But using common sense, being "in the mood", relaxed and responsive with your S/O would be expected to facilitate things.

Finding the G-Spot is a trick in itself . . . for some ladies it seems to require "waking up" with foreplay and intercourse, after which is becomes responsive . . . for others the level of stimulation seems to be ctirical and double stimulation with face-sitting and finger play is required . . . there appear to be many individual variables . . . just keep using your imagination . . .

The best part is all the fun finding out what makes it happen. This experimentation alone can add lust to your life. Most of all, keep trying because the results are simply awesome!!!!! and gets better with practice . . . :p :devil: :p
I agree!

Don K Dyck said:
Hi pixiewitch and naughty erica,

The best part is all the fun finding out what makes it happen. This experimentation alone can add lust to your life. Most of all, keep trying because the results are simply awesome!!!!! and gets better with practice . . . :p :devil: :p

I'm not about to give up, it sounds too delicious to not try over and over! But I think I will have more luck with my SO. And besides just trying will be fun! I've had G-spot stimulation before with oral and it was an incredible O. I would just love to have one without the clitoral stimulation.

Thanks DKD for the encouraging words!
" I've had G-spot stimulation before with oral and it was an incredible O. I would just love to have one without the clitoral stimulation."

It is too delicious to give up on. Don't. Maybe you could clarify one thing tho. Are you saying that you had a GSpot O WITH oral or in addition to oral. In addition to is delicious times two but I just gotta see the guy with the TONGUE #1 - long enough to reach a Gspot and #2 it has the power to rub it with enough force to make it fire.

If you have had a Gspot orgasm before then your SO should be able to try this technique on you and have you exploding in only a minute or two.

Have any readers tried this technique, found it didn't work but kept trying and found success? How about letting the rest of us know about it. How did you finally get it to work.

I've been lucky. It's worked EXTREMELY well with every lover I've done it with.
Mr G I haven't visited this thread for a long time, but I have to share this with you.

Through this thread, you made me aware of the A spot... something I'd never heard of before.

There's nothing like a challenge, and I soon discovered my A spot and had some great orgasms. Then I learnt to angle my vibe so that both my A and G spots were stimulated at the same time. A vibe with a tickler took care of my clit also.

My orgasms now are huge. No longer are they centred on my genital area, but they fill my body and last several minutes. Much longer than I've experienced before. It's almost as though electrodes are attached to me.

Multiple orgasms were never a problem for me, but now I go at least 7... usually more.

What can I say? A big thank you to you sir...... I am experiencing levels of pleasure that I didn't know were possible, and all because of you. :kiss:
strange orgasms

I am new here so please forgive me if i do anything wrong, but i was wondering If any of u had heard of girls cumming purely by sound. I ask this because My girlfriend jumped up from the couch the other night and wen she came back she said i had just made her cum in her pants. she said it was when i whispered in her ear, and i dont think shes bluffing as i felt her body go warm and she shivered.

I havent been able to do it since? any1 know anything about this ?
Re: strange orgasms

mr_burns01 said:
I am new here so please forgive me if i do anything wrong, but i was wondering If any of u had heard of girls cumming purely by sound. I ask this because My girlfriend jumped up from the couch the other night and wen she came back she said i had just made her cum in her pants. she said it was when i whispered in her ear, and i dont think shes bluffing as i felt her body go warm and she shivered.

I havent been able to do it since? any1 know anything about this ?

Hi mr burns . . . nothin' known from me . . . sounds interesting though . . . :)

A NEW Gspot people. Only in the inner ear this time. Cool.

What this proves is that if certain factors come together some women under some circumstances can orgasm from just about ANYTHING. This is a GOOD thing. Yours to DISCOVER. The trip is a blast. Women are just so yummy and finding one to love and learn all her turn-ons is both a challenge and honor.

I posted here to help couples find some more buttons to turn her on. I wish a few more lurkers would book in and tell us how it worked, how long it took, how different or more intense these orgasms feel from regular sex/orgasms - stuff like that.

Feed back is what gives others the incentive to try or keep trying thiese techniques and manOman are the results ever worth it.
My man and I have been following this thread VERY carefully. :D We've been playing with the G-spot and A-spot orgasms whenever we get a chance, which isn't too often, unfortunately...but that's another story...

Anyway. This past weekend, he was doing the G-spot thing, had me writhing and moving all over the bed. It was wonderful, great, awesome...but right before I came, he moved his fingers up to touch my cervix. I came harder than I ever had. I screamed, everything went black, my whole body was taken over by it...and damned if I didn't get the whole bed wet. He swears that I squirted. It was powerful enough to coat his arm up to the elbow.

I've been looking through this thread, trying to find what might have was an orgasm that I will never forget, and I am DYING to duplicate it! :D

Anybody have any insights?

Re: strange orgasms

mr_burns01 said:
I am new here so please forgive me if i do anything wrong, but i was wondering If any of u had heard of girls cumming purely by sound. I ask this because My girlfriend jumped up from the couch the other night and wen she came back she said i had just made her cum in her pants. she said it was when i whispered in her ear, and i dont think shes bluffing as i felt her body go warm and she shivered.

I havent been able to do it since? any1 know anything about this ?

Well...I know that when I'm right on the edge, and my man purrs into my ear in that way that ONLY he can do, I can orgasm without another touch. The shivers seem to start at my ear and travel all the way down, ending between my legs. He loves it. It makes him feel like Superman. ;)

Re: strange orgasms

mr_burns01 said:
I am new here so please forgive me if i do anything wrong, but i was wondering If any of u had heard of girls cumming purely by sound. I ask this because My girlfriend jumped up from the couch the other night and wen she came back she said i had just made her cum in her pants. she said it was when i whispered in her ear, and i dont think shes bluffing as i felt her body go warm and she shivered.

I havent been able to do it since? any1 know anything about this ?

I don't doubt it. I have cum without any physical stimulation from reading IMs...of course, they were very good IMs...:eek: