Yup, know it well and have cursed the HTML gods numerous times over it. The solution is when you're trying to hotlink, remove the http:// code that's already in the pop up window before copying and pasting your own code.
The gods have accomplished what they set out to accomplish. Confusion, chaos, and disorder; their work here is done.
Glad you got it to work. Now the trick is to figure out what you did differently! (Of course, there's NO chance that the site engineers had a minor little error in the code somewhere and fixed it. )
I didn't show the other two cats. They aren't so adorable. They weigh in at about 20 pounds each. One is the bitch-kitty from hell, a tortoiseshell point Siamese. The other is a yellow tabby who's afraid of his own shadow but is convinced he's the alpha male of the house. The black lab shown above disagrees vehemently and reminds kitty of this fact on at least an hourly basis.