



Dallas Texas 1921, THE PIG STAND.
All male crew.
Guys hopped on the running-boards of cars pulling in to the restaurant.
Male carhops replaced by females during WW2.

Dallas Texas 1921, THE PIG STAND.
All male crew.
Guys hopped on the running-boards of cars pulling in to the restaurant.
Male carhops replaced by females during WW2.

I was the only male carhop in Shreveport, Louisiana back in 1962. I averaged about 20 dollars a night in tips. Since the pay rate was 50 cents an hour and one meal a night, it was still good money for the day. I worked five nights a week at the A&W Root Beer stand out by the lake.
I was the only male carhop in Shreveport, Louisiana back in 1962. I averaged about 20 dollars a night in tips. Since the pay rate was 50 cents an hour and one meal a night, it was still good money for the day. I worked five nights a week at the A&W Root Beer stand out by the lake.

I read that A&W was really the first to use carhops nationwide, that was in 1925 or so. But the Dallas barbecue joint invented the idea.
I read that A&W was really the first to use carhops nationwide, that was in 1925 or so. But the Dallas barbecue joint invented the idea.

There's an A&W in Smithfield RI, they have classic car shows there a few times in the summer and they go "retro" and have the girls on roller skates bring the food to your car.

No car hops though.

Invented by Benjamin Franklin as a bandage for soldiers. But it was around 1880 that someone got the idea to use them for women, and Johnson & Johnson improved the bandage's absorption, and put it in stores around 1896.
I like to get the details correct cuz I cant have a character eat at Morrisons Cafeteria before they opened in 1929. But diners existed! And the first fast-food joints, like A&W.
Excellent thread idea.

Filtered cigarettes were invented for women.
At one point Marvel comics (then atlas) had suck so low DC was actually publishing their titles.

They were limited to only 8 a month, so when their superheroes took off in order to fit them in Marvel changed corny monster titles "Tales of Suspense and Tales to Astonish" into superhero comics.

But in order to get as many as they could in their 8 title limit Suspense each featured a Captain America story and an Iron Man story and Astonish had the Hulk and Submariner.

additional useless trivia is this is why the original Hulk series has no numbers 7-101 It was Hulk 1-6 (then cancelled) then when TTA stopped at 101 it went back To Hulk at 102 (Sub Mariner theen got his own title as well.)

One more. The Hulk was Gray in the first few issues instead of Green because back then Green ink was more expensive.

Yeah, I'm that geeky.
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Sonic, Huntsville, Tx, 1995--the carhops wore rollerskates to deliver food to my car. Sonic still served Frito Pie then. They had a yankee moment and no longer serve Frito Pie. :( Don't know if the carhops still wear skates in Huntsville. Probably not.
I'm what youd call a KOOK, Keeper of odd knowledge, and lethal at Trivia Pursuit. There is so much useless info floating in my skull that I tested out of like 1/2 of my undergraduate courses. Info that makes folks wealthy washes out of my head like poop out of a diaper, but if the info is worthless enough its sticks around like a grease stain.
the first vibrators for women were steam powered

I'm calling you on this one. I used the idea of steam-powered vibrators as a joke in a story because it was so absurd. I want to see a reference.

(In the story, the steam-powered vibrator was for use at home. For travel, a Swiss-made spring-powered model was available.)
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Gandhi never actually said “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
I'm calling you on this one. I used the idea of steam-powered vibrators as a joke in a story because it was so absurd. I want to see a reference.

(In the story, the steam-powered vibrator was for use at home. For travel, a Swiss-made spring-powered model was available.)

Okay. My most abject apologies. A quick google turned up this: The "Manipulater" from 1869.

This was a medical device intended for office use by doctors treating "female hysteria". In use, the engine was kept in another room and the pole holding the dildo projected through a hole in the wall. Say goodbye to dangerous and inconvenient scalding and steam explosions!


Back then, vaginal manipulation was the standard treatment for female hysteria. The vagina was stimulated to induce "paroxysm", which alleviated the hysteria. It was common medical knowledge back then that women felt no pleasure during sex and certainly nothing like an orgasm.

Eventually, doctors complained of hand and arm fatigue from all the manipulations they were administering, so some enterprising medical device company came out with this modern model.

Story here
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Okay. My most abject apologies. A quick google turned up this: The "Manipulater" from 1869.

This was a medical device intended for office use by doctors treating "female hysteria". In use, the engine was kept in another room and the pole holding the dildo projected through a hole in the wall. Say goodbye to dangerous and inconvenient scalding and steam explosions!


Back then, vaginal manipulation was the standard treatment for female hysteria. The vagina was stimulated to induce "paroxysm", which alleviated the hysteria. It was common medical knowledge back then that women felt no pleasure during sex and certainly nothing like an orgasm.

Eventually, doctors complained of hand and arm fatigue from all the manipulations they were administering, so some enterprising medical device company came out with this modern model.

Story here

More proof that doctors have always been full of shit. Thank god for the female orgasm, or else I wouldn't know when it was okay for me to cum.
Sorry, I'm foreign


Dallas Texas 1921, THE PIG STAND.
All male crew.
Guys hopped on the running-boards of cars pulling in to the restaurant.
Male carhops replaced by females during WW2.

What's a carhop? OK it's someone who hopped onto a running board............then what? Did you have to pay someone to swat them off? A carhop extractor perhaps?

What's a carhop? OK it's someone who hopped onto a running board............then what? Did you have to pay someone to swat them off? A carhop extractor perhaps?


The carhop was the fore-runner of our Squeegee-boys.

Invented by Benjamin Franklin as a bandage for soldiers. But it was around 1880 that someone got the idea to use them for women, and Johnson & Johnson improved the bandage's absorption, and put it in stores around 1896.

Sanitary napkins were originally made from Cotton waste which was put through a hammer mill to break it up. Unfortunately cotton dust is a powerful explosive and if there was some tramp metal in the waste, explosions could and did occur.

In 1976 an explosion occurred at a plant in Sydney (operated by Colgate Palmolive) and the paper next day headlined. "Man injured in Tampon Explosion"

Unfortunately no-one believed a word of it - because it was April 1st!:)