"Top Secret"

Progressives have lost the culture war. All they have left is a weak rearguard action as they retreat and that's not helping them very much. One need only look at the continuing losses being suffered by AB-InBev and Target to see how badly it's going for them.

JP Morgan just downgraded Target stock and believes that the current falling sales revenue issues will continue into the Christmas season and possibly beyond. Which is basically saying that unless Target rights their ship, they will follow Bed, Bath, and Beyond into bankruptcy next year.

Walmart should be (and probably is) paying very close attention to Target's problems as well as Disney's so that they don't follow them.
I think this is prima facie evidence that The American majority has had enough of the woke movement and its unnatural weirdness.
The majority in America is crapping all over your political choices as we speak.

Lol, you don’t even bother to check facts.


A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans representing 29.42% of registered voters in these areas.

At 38.78%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters.

As a conservative gerrymandering is your best friend.
Lol, you don’t even bother to check facts.


A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans representing 29.42% of registered voters in these areas.

At 38.78%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters.

As a conservative gerrymandering is your best friend.

Which leaves 61.22% of other folks who don't represent Democrats or their values.

How is it that you can't see that the majority isn't on your side when even the statistics you cite don't support that supposition?
Trump lawyer Jim Trusty just went on TV to tell us all that the Mango Malfeasant flew from Washington to Mar y Lardo with boxes of documents, landing around an hour before the end of his presidency and intending never to return before Biden's inauguration. It was some time after that, that he declassified the documents; not telling anyone that he'd done it until told that the documents should be returned. Then he denied having them and hid them away.

Then in the summer of 2021, Trump was at Bedlington (where his staff said they had taken a number of documents) and said on tape that he had classified documents there.

He said that the documents were still classified.

Yup, he's a threat to US security.
Lol, you don’t even bother to check facts.


A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans representing 29.42% of registered voters in these areas.

At 38.78%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters.

As a conservative gerrymandering is your best friend.
Here's the majority I'm talking about;

Biden Claims “The Overwhelming Majority of the American People” Support His Economic Agenda​

Fact checked
November 10, 2022 Niamh Harris

This is despite exit polls showing that 75% people are unhappy with the state of the union

The Gateway Pundit reports: Joe Biden was cocky and defiant during the Q & A session of his presser after Marc Elias and the Democrat machine worked to steal races across the country.

7 in 10 voters are unhappy with the state of the nation and largely negative on Joe Biden, according to CNN exit polls.

“75% of people say the country is heading in the wrong direction… What do you intend to do differently?” the reporter asked Biden.






It goes on and on.
Lol, you don’t even bother to check facts.


A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans representing 29.42% of registered voters in these areas.

At 38.78%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters.

As a conservative gerrymandering is your best friend.

Most Americans Say There Are 2 Genders and Want Sex Changes for Minors Criminalized.

Progressives have lost the culture war. All they have left is a weak rearguard action as they retreat and that's not helping them very much. One need only look at the continuing losses being suffered by AB-InBev and Target to see how badly it's going for them.

JP Morgan just downgraded Target stock and believes that the current falling sales revenue issues will continue into the Christmas season and possibly beyond. Which is basically saying that unless Target rights their ship, they will follow Bed, Bath, and Beyond into bankruptcy next year.

Walmart should be (and probably is) paying very close attention to Target's problems as well as Disney's so that they don't follow them.
Look at you and your pearl clutching about Target and Walmart (two stores I daresay you aspire to be able to shop at some day). Until that day though, it's Dollar General and Family Dollar for you and your "elk".
Look at you and your pearl clutching about Target and Walmart (two stores I daresay you aspire to be able to shop at some day). Until that day though, it's Dollar General and Family Dollar for you and your "elk".
He's a lawyer who only represents people who self-identify as 'guilty' so whether it's shoplifters or Trump, there's not much money to be earned.
He's a lawyer who only represents people who self-identify as 'guilty' so whether it's shoplifters or Trump, there's not much money to be earned.
I cannot imagine a "lawyer" with such a poor grasp of the law makes any money off contingency cases (aka "I only get paid when we win!"). I suspect he is a public defender for indigent clients, which seems a shame...for his clients.

Trump's attorneys unable to locate sensitive military document he discussed on tape

ABC News|15 hours ago
Attorneys for former President Donald Trump have been unable to locate the sensitive military document that Trump discussed on tape during a July 2021 meeting at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf ...

Where oh where did the little paper go?
I cannot imagine a "lawyer" with such a poor grasp of the law makes any money off contingency cases (aka "I only get paid when we win!"). I suspect he is a public defender for indigent clients, which seems a shame...for his clients.
Remember that you only have to pass the BAR -- no real lawyerin' skoolin' required.