too many spotlights . . .


better when i'm drunk
Apr 8, 2002
I understand the idea. I really do. And it's nice.

But spotlights are, technically, supposed to be for just one person. If there's 83 of 'em, it kinda takes away from that. Plus, it kinda dilutes the emphasis. If this is the week where the spotlight is on lilminx, or whoever, and there's also spotlights on every newbie who comes strolling through the door, we're really not doing everybody justice.

Yes, I am jealous I haven't had one. No, I don't want one right now. I'm not in a spotlight kinda mood. Just mock this thread with "Too many stoplights" and be on your way.

Freya2 said:

Did you empty your box yet?
It's full again?! Dammit! I swear I delete 10 messages, get one, and it's full again.


Well . . . poof, there go five more. Our PM boxes need a way to save things to text. That, or I need to stop being so much of a packrat . . .

I didn't answer yours right? My mind is boggled tonight, but I think my memory is intact.
Yes please. And maybe pat my back so I stop coughing.

That would be nice, to go 5 minutes without coughing.
Freya2 said:
I didn't answer yours right? My mind is boggled tonight, but I think my memory is intact.
Um . . . *checking* yes you did, about ten minutes after you posted this.

I didn't get a popup telling me so, though. I think my PM box is broken.

StrawberryPez said:
Yes please. And maybe pat my back so I stop coughing.

That would be nice, to go 5 minutes without coughing.
Okay. Anything else you need, m'dear? :)

the bitches will never cease.

Good, bad, ugly or beautiful .. someone will always be bitching about anything that is.

Can't please everyone all the time. *shrugs*
celiaKitten said:
the bitches will never cease.

Good, bad, ugly or beautiful .. someone will always be bitching about anything that is.

Can't please everyone all the time. *shrugs*
I just want it to be that when someone has a "spotlight" on them, that it's not on a million other people at once . . . I don't think that's so wrong.

There are so many people on Lit- what's the big deal if there's a spotlight on one, or a spotlight on 10? I mean, the threads sink off the page in about 20 minutes anyway, so it's not like they're flooding the board. People who haven't posted here for a few days wouldn't even know that Lavy did a spotlight on me- it's probably on page 15 by now.

I actually haven't seen spotlights on other people lately.

I jsut don't see what the big thing is about it.