Told you I'd get you banned, AndersonsBiographer. Buh bye! 👋


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003

Thread 'Joe Biden meets Robert E. Lee'
The main Lit guideline is pretty straightforward. If you promote violence you will get banned. It does not matter if you are right wing (like the QAnon guy) or left wing (like Anderson). Kooks like Thomas Crooks read that shit and think it's part of some noble movement.

Chobham should be banned for his recent remark that black and Hispanic "demographic groups" should be "purged by extreme means".

The only thing that needs to be purged is advocacy for political violence.
Chobham should be banned for his recent remark that black and Hispanic "demographic groups" should be "purged by extreme means".

Posted below...

Let's address the real problem.

54% of ALL murders are committed by blacks. 99% of their victims are also black. Blacks represent 12% of the population.

27% of ALL murders are committed by Hispanics. 99% of their victims are also Hispanic. Hispanics represent approx. 18% of the population.

So, 81% of ALL murders are committed by demographic groups that represent approx. 30% of the population. Or to put it another way 19% of murders are committed by groups that represent 70% of the population.

(Crime statistics from the FBI's UCR's. Demographics from Wikipedia.)

Violent crime is the product of two demographic groups core criminal culture. Cultures that are aided and abetted by the liberals that excuse that behavior and encourage that behavior by continually referring to, and preaching to them, as "victims." Any rational society would purge itself of those elements by extreme means. As Lincoln stated, "the constitution is NOT a suicide pact."

Post in thread 'Why are Lit Reprehensibles so Phobic of AR-15 rodent rifles'


Thank you!👍
Violent images and language all the time - some directed at members.

A harmless chickenshit. But a definite rule-breaker. 🙂

The beauty of a radical leftist like AndersonsBiographer being banned is that the radical right wingers can’t say Laurel is treating them UNFAAAAIIIIIRLY.


I would say, on balance, Laurel got it about right with her corrective actions, but Wat seems to have been the beneficiary of some seniority protection. I suppose Laurel felt that locking Wat’s primary safe-hate-space-thread and issuing ban warnings was punishment enough - for now.

I have to respect Laurel’s wise and fair administration of justice.

I was going back and forth with trailerbitch on another board on this site. He accused me of being a coward and removing one of my posts. I told him that the mod had removed it. He laughed and preened like a peacock after winning the peahen. Said that's what people like me deserved. Told him that some of his posts had been deleted, as well. He called BS, told me to prove it. It was over 20, according to the mod, who smacked him down something good on the thread. I don't think he's replied to that thread anymore.
I was going back and forth with trailerbitch on another board on this site. He accused me of being a coward and removing one of my posts. I told him that the mod had removed it. He laughed and preened like a peacock after winning the peahen. Said that's what people like me deserved. Told him that some of his posts had been deleted, as well. He called BS, told me to prove it. It was over 20, according to the mod, who smacked him down something good on the thread. I don't think he's replied to that thread anymore.



Was that idiot using their TrailerHitch alt or their Kioti#s alt???


Side note:

TrailerHitch reeeeeaaally hates it when they get called out about having an alt. (Trailer Hitch LIED about having an alt and angrily accused people of being crazy for suggesting they had an alt… until TrailerHitch outed themself by accidentally replying to a comment with their Kioti#s alt.)

...and he's gone. Nice work, everyone!

Also, never forget that Buffalogrl (recently reprimanded) and icanhelp1 "liked" this racist garbage. 🙂
Bad boy. Bad bay boy. Sit! Stop behaving like a leftist! Bad!
...and he's gone. Nice work, everyone!

Also, never forget that Buffalogrl (recently reprimanded) and icanhelp1 "liked" this racist garbage. 🙂
Where is needshelp these days? Just now realized I haven't seen that festering pustule in a while.
Poor triggered MAGAt. Your sad lot has had a bad 24 hours. (And a terrible month.) ☹️

Break the forum rules = find out. :nana:

Oh no, NOT triggered. I'm amused and entertained. It takes a LOT to get your account terminated on Literotica. Rather, I am impressed.

Not that I would ever bother myself. You can just come back with a new account so whu go to the effort and take up Laurel's time. This IS the Literotica Politics Board, where we are all exiled so as to keep us away from normal people and avoid us harming them with our vituperation. We all BELONG here and we should be tolerant of our intolerance, otherwise where's the fun.

Lose the other side and it's sooooooo boring.
NOT triggered.

Yes you are. And we all can see it. 🙂

ChloeTzang said:
This IS the Literotica Politics Board, where we are all exiled are you talking about - "exiled"? I can post wherever I want on Lit; you can't? 🤣

ChloeTzang said:
we should be tolerant of our intolerance

Of course a racist MAGAt would want that. Sorry; as was demonstrated yesterday, not gonna happen. 😘
Yes you are. And we all can see it. 🙂

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Sure, Rory. Sure are you talking about - "exiled"? I can post wherever I want on Lit; you can't? 🤣

LOL. You know exactly what I mean, Rory. This is the only board you can talk politics. And if you talk politics anywhere else, it gets moved here. And rightly so.

Of course a racist MAGAt would want that. Sorry; as was demonstrated yesterday, not gonna happen. 😘

LOL. Waste of time and merely illustrates the intolerance of the left in general.
I was going back and forth with trailerbitch on another board on this site. He accused me of being a coward and removing one of my posts. I told him that the mod had removed it. He laughed and preened like a peacock after winning the peahen. Said that's what people like me deserved. Told him that some of his posts had been deleted, as well. He called BS, told me to prove it. It was over 20, according to the mod, who smacked him down something good on the thread. I don't think he's replied to that thread anymore.
I honestly thought TrailerHitch was my old friend AJ and he had a convulsive episode and started foaming at the mouth.

Then he said he only had one alt whilst I had so many more...