Today on Oprah


a boombox is not a toy.
Mar 9, 2002
CNN is going around the world asking people what they think of America. It's interesting. So far they've been to France, Indonesia (i'm not sure if this is spelled right..but i know i can count on someone to tell me the right way), Australia and N. Korea. we (americans) are not very popular.
amelia said:
CNN is going around the world asking people what they think of America. It's interesting. So far they've been to France, Indonesia (i'm not sure if this is spelled right..but i know i can count on someone to tell me the right way), Australia and N. Korea. we (americans) are not very popular.

that list is designed to find people who don't like america.
Well no wonder we're not popular. We don't even know that the world hates us. When will we learn?
Re: Re: Today on Oprah

lavender said:
I hope this is not a revelation to anyone.

no, it's not a revelation.'s interesting to see why the normal person on the street doesn't like us.
The French have nerve, I mean, everyone hates them and they don't even have that ability to strike fear into a third world country's heart like we do.

Down with France!

Re: Re: Re: Today on Oprah

lavender said:
It's because they couldn't find a list of 4 countries that have positive feelings about Americans.
Taiwan (the china thats not comunist)
oops..i forgot to mention Colombia, South America and Pakistan. They don't like us either.
amelia said:
oops..i forgot to mention Colombia, South America and Pakistan. They don't like us either.
what reasons did the "joe blo" on the street give anyway?
This thread's a bit like KM's about how she doesn't follow elections in other countries and doesn't understand why we care about yours.

Over a year after 9/11, which came after a decade of bombings of US Consulates, military assets and the first attempt on the WTC...Americans are just starting to realize that that they have neighbors on the planet.

And guess what? Not all the neighbors are always happy to see you blow into town with your loud polyester clothes, loud voices and bad manners.

You can be nice people and all, but you need to learn to be better team players.
If America were a shakespeare tradgedy...

Our flaw....ARROGANCE...

"that list is designed to find people who don't like america."

They don't have to try to hard....

England is pissed at us too...they do support us in a war on terrorism but our government expects them to be just as foolish and commit needed resources to fighting people instead of ideas instead of handling domestic issues...

In america...our economy England..public transportation and other issues are far more important I've heard...

America isn't well liked and because of how we act...I can't blame them...
Lancecastor said:
This thread's a bit like KM's about how she doesn't follow elections in other countries and doesn't understand why we care about yours.

Over a year after 9/11, which came after a decade of bombings of US Consulates, military assets and the first attempt on the WTC...Americans are just starting to realize that that they have neighbors on the planet.

And guess what? Not all the neighbors are always happy to see you blow into town with your loud polyester clothes, loud voices and bad manners.

You can be nice people and all, but you need to learn to be better team players.
why should we respect other cultures when they do not respect ours?
Aquila said:
why should we respect other cultures when they do not respect ours?

Excuse me!? That's the kind of grade school logic that leads to these kind of disagreements.

We should hold ourselves to a higher standard with our domestic and international relations. Foresight is a far better quality than hindsight. Since WWII we've lacked both.

We can either respect a culture or their bombs...our choice...
Aquila said:
what reasons did the "joe blo" on the street give anyway?

Pakistan: our women have sex before marriage/jerry springer is ruining our culture and we are uneducated.

France: we are materialistic, fat and we bully

Indonesia: we discriminate against muslims

South America: i didn't hear why they didn't like us..i just heard one of the guys say that he wished more terrorists would attack us.

Columbia: we are lonely and we fight the drug war..but we are the main consumer. our culture is ruining their culture.

Australia: They like us..but they think we patronize them. They also felt slighted b/c we didn't really pay attention to their loss from the Bali bombing.

North Korea: our president called them part of the axis of evil.

i think that sums it up.
Lancecastor said:
That's the spirit!
No seriously,
Respect us Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

but at the same time
Make sure your women are treated like shit when they come over here (middle east)
Make sure you dont even DARE try and speak canadian accent french in france. its better if you just don't TALK to them. you are beneath them.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Amelia, who is that trick in your Av

Kate Hudson..i'm not sure if she's a trick or not..but that's her name.
Aquila said:

Make sure you dont even DARE try and speak canadian accent french in france.

I don't think that Canadian French should be spoken anywhere ouside Quebec.

You can put someone's eye out with that stuff if you're not careful.
Aquila said:
No seriously,
Respect us Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

but at the same time
Make sure your women are treated like shit when they come over here (middle east)
Make sure you dont even DARE try and speak canadian accent french in france. its better if you just don't TALK to them. you are beneath them.

You say Middle do realize that includes country in the middle east don't you? Not every country treats women like shit...and since when is America perfect when it comes to gender equality?

As many as 1 out of every 6 women may be sexually assaulted in recently as the 60s a woman was considered a man's property...

How soon we choose to forget...
Shaq said:
You say Middle do realize that includes country in the middle east don't you? Not every country treats women like shit...and since when is America perfect when it comes to gender equality?

As many as 1 out of every 6 women may be sexually assaulted in recently as the 60s a woman was considered a man's property...

How soon we choose to forget...
son, we changed it. they on the other hand have not.