Standard Conservative blather, "let's make soliciting a woman under 18 a felony". Right now it's a misdemeanor, up to one year in jail for asking someone to have sex for money and they are under 18. Democrats are okay with felonies for 15 and under, but want to keep misdemeanors for 16 and 17.
The Hotair editorial then pivots to their patented "hate teh homo" rhetoric, Claiming the gay hordes of California are trying to sabotage the bill because "errybody knows that homos....ONLY homos....are doin' teh grooming in CA". No megachurches out there?
Child trafficking is barbaric, inexcusable, and disgusting.
But, without it, our resident PB Deplorables wouldn't have a source for the porn and sex they like, or a preferred industry they want to direct their grandchildren towards.
Not to worry, its an automatic DEATH SENTENCE! Like Trump says. "Quick trials, BANG" Theres a reason Trump put 1/2 billion into GITMO! 100% TRUTH !!Don't believe it, try the system just once! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!