tiny_tits journal and random thoughts

If he found you sharing pics, it would be very hypocritical or selfish if he suddenly gets mad about it. Unless he explicitly mentioned that he expected you to drop it.
As to sharing your thoughts and worries on lit…I don’t believe in a relationship that is codependent. I believe we all have to fully realize ourselves as a person to be able to function in a relationship. That means having your own space, your own friends as well. Those friends, even your family, provide an outlet, a safe space were you can express yourself, talk about your issues without hurting someone by doing so. In that way lit has worked wonderfully for me. I believe the cheating here (or anywhere else on cyberspace) starts if you become emotionally attached to someone in a non friendly way…
Hidden agendas, hidden activities, these are things that will destroy any relationship, one way or the other. My accepting my some of my gf's were strippers was the consummate act of trust. I trusted that they would come back to me.

My brother used to date 8 girls all at the same time (HOW? I don't know (and I don't mean 8 girls on one date)) yet, my point being, he TOLD each one about the others which is why he could do it for so long. That was never me, I could never do that. Each person is different in what they are willing to accept and not accept.
As far as if I love K, I'm not ready to say yes or no.
I've jumped too fast in the past, and really really got hurt.
There are times I would say yes! Others, meh.

You didn't necessarily jump in too fast with K as far as deciding what sort of fun you wanted to have with him..

..but if you still "aren't ready to say yes or no" as far as whether you are in love with him...then you (and he) defined the friendship too soon.

You will have more insight next time about that and find ways to leave things more open ended, if that turns out to be what you need to grow.
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It just seemed like my last posts here were touting "me", so I will try to sum up what I was aiming to say.

In each person's life, there is an ability to accept a certain amount of negative aspects in another person while wanting that person in your life.

This can be described simply by an equation of how you want (divided by) how much you have.

based on that equation, you can have the following results:
Too much wants (fulfilled) = not enough have (IOW a relationship based on this result fails because your wants exceeds what you have)
too much have = not enough wants (fulfilled) (IOW a relationship based on this result fails because of frustration)

Not as simple as that and sometimes, if you find the right person:
Your wants = your haves (IOW HAPPY HAPPY "die knowing all wants and haves are fulfilled") this CAN happen but rarely does.

You are still relatively young, and it is normal to want to explore yourself. If Kevin is worth while, he will be smart and accept this exploration to a degree. Again, like deltha said, it's about compromise (even for you) if you are that serious about him.

But hidden agendas and hidden activities will destroy the best relationships.
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So my new dilemma is this:
There are things I want to experience sexually that won't happen with Kevin.
Talked about it with him, no go.
But I really really like (love?) being with him.
Do I:
(1) Forget the new experiences, stay with my man?
(2) Break up with Kevin and fulfill my fantasies?
(3) Have a secret weekend and don't tell him (yes... cheat)?

I think you have to carefully consider your options, right a pros/cons list for each, that might help, you make a decision
Some motherly advice.....:eek:! That makes me sound old.. :D

Stay with Kevin for the RIGHT reasons. If he really loves you, you him....he respects you...and his mother. Especially if you would like to get married some day. It sounds like he's already somewhat adventurous.

If youre not ready to settle down with one person yet, then dont. You're very young. Maybe you need to be single for a while and explore a bit.

WE ALL have fantasies. And they are called Fantasies because that's exactly what most of them are and should remain.

You may find that if you broke up with him to fulfill these fantasies, you may be giving up something good for a temporary fix. Only to find that you then have new fantasies that pop up.

I kind of agree with Stackeydreams, Tiny, if you are familiar with Tyler Perry and have access to Netflix, watch this movie he has called "Temptations." The woman in it seemed to have the similar concerns you had. Not exactly, but it was a definite eye opener of the saying, "The Grass is Always Greener."
So my new dilemma is this:
There are things I want to experience sexually that won't happen with Kevin.
Talked about it with him, no go.
But I really really like (love?) being with him.
Do I:
(1) Forget the new experiences, stay with my man?
(2) Break up with Kevin and fulfill my fantasies?
(3) Have a secret weekend and don't tell him (yes... cheat)?

Trying to avoid being ridiculously redundant, I read through all the responses before writing this, and I have to say there have been many that I can understand, although I don't necessarily agree. I think experimentation is key to keeping a relationship alive, and the real goal is to find out exactly how and how much your partner is willing or wanting to explore. I think that, assuming you love this man (or at least you aren't ready to give up on him), you should talk to him about it. I know you already have, but take a different approach that says more bluntly that this is something you are going to be wondering/fantasizing about for a long time to come. Let him know that you are willing to wait for him to come around if need be, but to try and give it consideration out of respect for you. At that point, the ball is in his court with a little less pressure on him and it gives you more time to decide how important it is to you versus how much you care about him. I also believe it is incredibly important to point out what this would mean for you emotionally, letting him know that it is no compromise in the love department, just a sexual, physical experience with no risk to him at the end of it. You could also give him the option to set ground rules (no kissing, no m on m, etc.) so that he has some control over the situation.

Just some thoughts, and I hope they help. Best of luck to you two! :)
I believe in a relationship, even if you deeply love the other person, not everything is up for negotiation. If you give in to all, at some point you will loose yourself (and ironically destroy the relationship)
Hey Kevin!
You found my thread :rolleyes:

Yes, this could be him exactly...

Actually, the irony is, considering the quote I assume caused that response was from a posting I made earlier (4/12), that IS my name.


Of course, there is a 1/1,000,000,000 chance that I'm actually he. Particularly since I'm not saying whether it's first, second, third, or fourth name. And then there is always the possibility I'm making shit up, because I hear people actually do that on the net now and then. '

However, considering I'm on here instead of helping you make "sheet angels", the one before the slash just disappeared.

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How to be a bad good girl

I guess it's just to simple but not hard to accomplish. Want to experience the bad girl in you without being a true slut ? There is nothing wrong with being a hot slut unless it destroys something you want more, like the relationship your in. If that goes sour you can be a slut at any age. Ask a few cougars if you want to understand that. With the toy land available to girls/women today anything is possible. I think the nice pricks you can obtain now and especially those with suction cups at the base you can fuck in about any position I can think of.
Take it to the beach and get fucked in the public bathroom. Stick that dick on the partition panel of the stall your in and guess what ! You can be fucked through the glory hole your backed up to. Is that a start ? Take it anally also.
Stick one to the inside of the window of the car your in and blow a cop !!!!!
Want to swallow a load ? Try almond milk with vanilla and bourbon !
Want a gang-bang ? Just takes more silicon baby. 3 at a time ? Straddle a coffee table and sit on one, stuff another while sucking a peeled cucumber you've warmed in a microwave.
Very young women, ping-pong balls & KY-Kelly will, I think, make you day and are washable for reuse. Pop'n them out is as much fun as planting them.
If all else fails PM me :devil:

Guys ... just watch porn and jack-off. We are so predictable. For that extra thrill just manage to get caught. !!!!!! MOMMMMmmmmm !!!!! :eek:
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RE:cheating with "online US".

Speaking of cheating, do you think it is cheating to post naked pics and discuss my sex life here without his knowledge?

Or, again, are there degrees of cheating?

I'm going to answer your question with a question. Is Masterbation cheating?? Your not touching or with a person when you masterbate/ or online with us. We can only see what You show us (TYVM< Love it!!!). When you masterbate same thing apply's (WE miss that , dang it!!!) So is either cheating??? I think not, we where here before and we will stay with you to the end Hun.
So my new dilemma is this:
There are things I want to experience sexually that won't happen with Kevin.
Talked about it with him, no go.
But I really really like (love?) being with him.
Do I:
(1) Forget the new experiences, stay with my man?
(2) Break up with Kevin and fulfill my fantasies?
(3) Have a secret weekend and don't tell him (yes... cheat)?

When you are old and married and happy, you will regret more the things that you didn't do than the things you did do. Make sure you experiment now and fulfill your fantasies before you have to risk breaking up a marriage to do them.
Relationships and sex fall into the risk vs. gain realm when boundaries are pushed to far. How this has resolved itself with you is what it will be. Not to be broody or mystic about the matter but people get wrapped up in adventuring with erotic possibilities and the results are a mixed bag of emotions.
Kevin and I broke up :(

Sorry, sweetie. I know you cared about him and you always will.

Take some time to yourself now and when your ready, you'll find a guy who will appreciate you.:rose:

You are an incredibly sexy young lady! :devil::kiss:
No one can really say anything that’s going to make you feel better until you find your center again and move forward. It will work itself out and you’ll be ok but it still sucks to go through it. If I were in your age group it’d be a blast to find out if you’re as fun in person as you are here.