Threads renamed to British Standards

Culinary delectations of unspecified variety in a manner comprising initial characters of singular increments of an alphabetic nature.
"Would one accept an etching from the person above one, depicting them in a state of disreputable undress?"

("Should one require any inspiration, please peruse the examples contained herein of the ways in which I would find the contact of our respective anatomical components to be more than satisfactory")

("Should one require any inspiration, please peruse the examples contained herein of the ways in which I would find the contact of our respective anatomical components to be more than satisfactory")

Chortling in a suitably restrained manner (CIASRM). Furthermore, I find myself moved to applaud the admirable sentiments expressed in your Profile Portrait.
I am desirous of knowing what made you say "I say steady on!" this fine day
Would it be very improper to enquire about the nature of undergaments worn, should a subsequent litizen be willing to divulge such information?
Let us explore, with due modesty and courtesy, the various particulars which may enhance the possibility of a lady reaching a crescendo of pleasure while a gentleman friend is engaged in copulative activity with her
Whilst partaking of unpleasant but necessary procreational activities, does the lady concerned ever entertain the notion of perhaps indulging in such shenanigans with more than one member of the. as it were, opposite gender?
Whilst partaking of unpleasant but necessary procreational activities, does the lady concerned ever entertain the notion of perhaps indulging in such shenanigans with more than one member of the. as it were, opposite gender?

Heavens above! Surely that is an absurd notion sir, that a genteel woman of any proper breeding could ever, for the slightest moment, entertain such a notion? Such things are flights of fantasy surely ?
Heavens above! Surely that is an absurd notion sir, that a genteel woman of any proper breeding could ever, for the slightest moment, entertain such a notion? Such things are flights of fantasy surely ?

One would think so wouldn't one? But I fear if one is to believe the editorial in some of the more...ahem...salacious periodicals that adorn the newsstands...such activity amongst the lower classes is not unheard of!
One would think so wouldn't one? But I fear if one is to believe the editorial in some of the more...ahem...salacious periodicals that adorn the newsstands...such activity amongst the lower classes is not unheard of!

One is horrified to hear that a gentleman such as yourself would ever have seen such a 'Penny Dreadful'.

However, if the two gentlemen above me would care to join me at either end of my, er, canaster table, we might engage in some further discourse on this subject...
Please discipline the individual above you with sufficient force as to create a warm glow to their sit upon.
One is horrified to hear that a gentleman such as yourself would ever have seen such a 'Penny Dreadful'.

However, if the two gentlemen above me would care to join me at either end of my, er, canaster table, we might engage in some further discourse on this subject...

I buy it for the gardening column dontcha know....