Threads renamed to British Standards

XX vs. XY
I'm sorry but that's far too abrupt. Were you to phrase everything in that fashion, there'd be brawling in the street every five minutes.

Such directness may be perfectly acceptable in the colonies, but we must have standards at home...
I'm sorry but that's far too abrupt. Were you to phrase everything in that fashion, there'd be brawling in the street every five minutes.

Such directness may be perfectly acceptable in the colonies, but we must have standards at home...

Bravo, and excellent use of the subjunctive, dear lady. :rose:
Male Genital Encirclement Devices crafted for the Exclusive Use of the Brave and Chivalrous
"Has one ever followed another, at a discreet distance, feigning disinterest, but following their every utterance and move?"
Hast thou ever allowed the sun to set with gobsmacking wonder in a small corner of the Empire with noble personage directly above thee? (Witty repartee optional, but very much encouraged)
I'm growing quite fond of this thread. Do carry on.
How does one say "bump" in British?

One does not "bump" a thread. One recognises that the correct procedure is to join the end of the queue and wait one's turn. Anything else would not be British... :rolleyes:
Behaving inappropriately in the office of Her Majesty's postal service (in a reverse direction)
Placing the thread in one's queue of subscribed threads for further observance at a time more suitable for oneself.
Name a fellow litizen whom one currently worships from afar, with dishonourable intentions.
Has one, or does one ever want to see the person above one in a state of disreputable undress?
What was it which vexed one so severely that one forgot oneself and uttered an uncivilised word?
Words that reach the total of 8 letters, not falling short with 7 letters, and not reaching the total of 9. And 10 is right out.
A happy young woman agitating the contents of a bovine creatures udder attracts all the ladies to the rear garden
Should the mood so take you, please be so kind as to discreetly carry a note to the person above and, despite the shameful request for the flattery of a private message, carry forward the game in the gay tone with which it is intended.