Thought of being with a chubby thick women

My two favorite types of women are muscular (not the gross, overdone, bodybuilder women that almost look like men, but really really toned) and women with a little weight on them. There is one adult movie performer that I love to watch because she is a little on the plump side and seems to really enjoy what she does... I cannot think of her name at the moment, but if I do, I will add it to this list. She is one of the few I see in video that I would really like to meet. Or would that be meat?
The character Mimi on the Drew Cary Show was a caricature of the "sexy and I know it" BBW and I always found her a big turn on. I could get a hard on fantasizing about her during the show. I'd have loved to have rubbed it in Drew's face that I was getting some of that hot hunk of feminine appeal and he wasn't.

The "double hourglass" figures, the prominent pubic mounds and vulvas, and the all over tender softness of large women are always extra big thrills. And the chubby girlfriends I've had all lived up to that appeal.
My lady is thick but not what you might describe as chubby. She has a big, round shaped ass. We measured it just fooling around one night and it was around 43" or so. I would say women blessed in the rear end department are more fun for sure.
I seemed to have naturally been drawn to curvier women in my life. Pleasing to the eye - lovely to massage - and I can’t keep my hands off of those curves. So I must be wired that way. But I have had my head turned by one or 2 cute thin ladies. Love women in general - but curves are my preference.
My partner is very thick in all the right places. Skinny girls do nothing for me.
Once you love thick it's the only place you wanna stick.

I also like that the thick girls seem to attract the hung black guys. At least that's been the case for my wife.
It's funny how, the older I get, the more different kinds of women I find sexy. Although, my minimum acceptable age is up pretty high, I find many, more different types of women sexy now, than when I was younger.

My first sex 'partners' were Playboy and Penthouse centerfolds. So, I was not attracted to heavier women. But, I do love women with big breasts, some of whom are heavier. So, I come around to a much more case-by-case basis. I find there is something sexy about almost all women if they are not totally passive.

One of my go-to porn favorites is Samantha38G. I would not have been nearly as excited by her when I was 18, but now she can get me off as quickly as I want. And I see other women with similar figures and imagine them doing the things Samantha38G does...where was I? Enough.
I love my thick and curvy wife, but she has self esteem due to her weight and when I attempt to enjoy her curves and the way she looks she almost doesn’t was a be touched like that!?
Anyone have advice to make me make her feel more comfy in her own skin?