This really scorches my hide


Jun 8, 2000
If you're going to send out PM's, for God's sake, clean out your mother fucking box so you can receive the replies!!!!!


Yes, I'm a little bit peeved.
I rarely get or send any...but thanks for the reminder.


April said:
If you're going to send out PM's, for God's sake, clean out your mother fucking box so you can receive the replies!!!!!


Yes, I'm a little bit peeved.

pooty mouth
Take some deep cleansing breaths before your heart explodes out of your chest, OK sweetie?
Re: Re: This really scorches my hide

huskie said:
pooty mouth

It's POTTY mouth, damnit.

I'm fine. It was just a momentary (30 minutes) wave of rage that came over me. Said person's box has been full for more than six months now. Whatever.
How do you know.
At the bottom of this page, if you are logged in, you should see a section titled "Private Messages". It will tell you how many messages you have in total, how many you received since the last time you were here, and how many are unread.

Or you can go to your control panel and simply start cleaning out the darn thing. It holds 100 messages in total. That's including your sent messages folder and any others you might have made. Make sure you change the time frame back to "the beginning". That way you are sure to get all the wily little buggers.