This is bullshit!


Sep 13, 2001
I think every school outside of NYC is closed because of the snow. Of course, NYC schools aren't even delayed. I just got back from the gym and the roads are pretty bad. I have 4-wheel drive, and even while driving slowly I was sliding.

The way these school bus drivers drive, I wouldn't put my kid on one, nor would I want to drive my kid to school.
lilminx said:
I think every school outside of NYC is closed because of the snow. Of course, NYC schools aren't delayed. I jsut got back from the gym and the roads are pretty bad. I have 4-wheel drive, and even while driving slowly I was sliding.

The way these school bus drivers drive, I wouldn't put my kid on one, nor would I want to drive my kid to school.
that's why Cali > * ... living in So Cal right now and it couldn't be better 80 degree days in febuary *sigh* :fawk:
jedimasterELMO said:
Now go :buttsex: him :greddy:
every time we get enough snow i always hope the hospital closes for a snow day...damn if we never have...:D
foxinsox said:
Nice one, minxy.
Thanks, sugah.

Nope, Kotori, not even Staten Island.

I'm not exaggerating about EVERY school surrounding NYC (and many private schools in NYC) closing.

It's unbelievable how NYC wil risk the safety of so many children just so that they don't lose some $$$. You'd think they'd be happy about saving money on heating the schools that day- lol.
Everybody around me is closed but my school too.

Not too much in town out here, couple of inches, but I just heard there are lots of accidents on the Interstate out in the country (where I have a meeting to go to later today).

DC looks closed, Philly too (5½" to 9").
lilminx said:
Doesn't it suck, Shaq?

Very Much! Grrr....Richmond isn't a big city either. VCU is like 6 freakin miles from VUU, WHICH IS CLOSED! And it's 10 BLOCKS from JCC which is CLOSED!!!!!!:mad:
Well, I'm off to work *grimble grumble*

I'll bet at least 1/4 of my kids don't show up.
lilminx said:
Well, I'm off to work *grimble grumble*

I'll bet at least 1/4 of my kids don't show up.

Power to the hookers!
I have the day off and it looks like it is going to be a nice one. I would love to have a little snow, though.
Travel safely Minxie.

NYC schools system does not look at schools as it was intended. That is children's education. They look at it as a business. They receive money for the school remaining open, etc.

OK getting off my soap box before I get into it.
