Things We Take for Granted on This Board


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
I'm so spoiled by this board and the fact that we are free to write almost anything we want as long as it's not personal information or a threat. I post on some other boards, under different names, and I sometimes forget that other boards censor. I actually caused a thread to be closed down for something that would be considered at lit to be the daily norm. LOL

This cracks me up.
No, the funny thing is that I moderate on another board, and I keep looking for my delete button here.
lavender said:
I'm so spoiled by this board and the fact that we are free to write almost anything we want as long as it's not personal information or a threat. I post on some other boards, under different names, and I sometimes forget that other boards censor. I actually caused a thread to be closed down for something that would be considered at lit to be the daily norm. LOL

This cracks me up.

What'd you write?
I just told someone their theory was insane in about 200 words. About 150 of those words were synonymous with assanine, ludicrous, bigoted. :)

I don't think they like those kind of words.
lavender said:
I'm so spoiled by this board and the fact that we are free to write almost anything we want as long as it's not personal information or a threat. I post on some other boards, under different names, and I sometimes forget that other boards censor. I actually caused a thread to be closed down for something that would be considered at lit to be the daily norm. LOL

This cracks me up.

You're not exactly right, Lavvylicious.

The Playground censors and delets posts and threads.

The BDSM Forum deletes threads and is zero tolerance on posting pictures.

Chyoo is a Nazi death camp of oppression.

The General Board is relatively free.

Now fuck off, bitch.

lavender said:
I just told someone their theory was insane in about 200 words. About 150 of those words were synonymous with assanine, ludicrous, bigoted. :)

I don't think they like those kind of words.

Those assanine bigots!
Re: Re: Things We Take for Granted on This Board

Lancecastor said:
You're not exactly right, Lavvylicious.

The Playground censors and delets posts and threads.

The BDSM Forum deletes threads and is zero tolerance on posting pictures.

Chyoo is a Nazi death camp of oppression.

The General Board is relatively free.

Now fuck off, bitch.


Look! The fuckers came over and deleted the third "e" in deletes!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Lance.

Don't swoon over me too much tonight. :)
I think we take Laurel for granted. Meaning we expect she'll post with us, like she used to. Some like it that she doesn't much anymore, I'm not among those people though. I miss the "old days" when Laurel had time for her children here.
lavender said:
I'm so spoiled by this board and the fact that we are free to write almost anything we want as long as it's not personal information or a threat. I post on some other boards, under different names, and I sometimes forget that other boards censor. I actually caused a thread to be closed down for something that would be considered at lit to be the daily norm. LOL

This cracks me up.

Sounds like a problem I have. I work on another board with a pretty big team. It's hard to remember that Board 1 has rules, and underage posters, and Board two is insane. At least, when things get bad, I can come here and use exsessive profanity.
Anyone with a suitable functioning brain and a heart that isn't as cold as steel wishes Laurel were still around. The Kitty Mama made Lit amazingly special. It's not the same without her. :)
I think thats a load of crap. I've posted on other boards too and its the same old shit. Like a year-late happy birthday thread.
not everyone is as dumb as HKBJ, or as smart as... as... hmmm, that's a tuffy there.

Yes we do have WAY TOO MUCH freedom sometimes, and I feel that some DO make threats, just in a semi-subtle ways.

The beauty of this place is that the assholes are somehow able to somewhat co-exist with the good folks.
Yeah. I have to censor myself frequently on other boards. I'm not a big picture guy so I'm not overly used to that, but I am used to being able to say really outrageous stuff without anyone batting an eyebrow.
I have that problem too. The other boards I post at are very strict on what you can say there. I love that I don't have to censor myself here.
I think people take for granted that everyone can read at an 8th grade level. There are more grammar and spelling buddies at LIT than not.

I've also caused a stir on another board while not trying to shitten up anything---the situation was a little bit different. It's a smaller, focused-themed community. There, we also were very aware of who is what and where is who (we all know each other and/or know people that know the people we don't know). Okay, it had more to do with real life--if being strictly censored is the life you've come accustomed to.
Maybe when people quit demanding she compromise her principles and censor those they don't like, she'll come back. One does wonder if Lance actually complained to management about his threads getting censored or if he just rubbed his hands together gleefully because he's got something new to complain about.
As far as i can tell, other big boards are pretty much like this one but more focused and topical (for the most part) and other small boards are, well, small and pretty much not like this one.

I take for granted that the people i actually care about for real (like you, D) will always be here. Maybe that's really stupid. People move around (look at me) but i take that for granted about this board anyway.

It's all about the people, this board.
It's about the genuine and lasting connections we make with others.
lavender said:
I'm so spoiled by this board and the fact that we are free to write almost anything we want as long as it's not personal information or a threat. I post on some other boards, under different names, and I sometimes forget that other boards censor. I actually caused a thread to be closed down for something that would be considered at lit to be the daily norm. LOL

This cracks me up.

I want LAV to blow me
cymbidia said:

It's all about the people, this board.
It's about the genuine and lasting connections we make with others.

Welcome home, cym! :)
I guess we do take things for granted.

The shame of it is we should take these things for granted. But we can't... that's not the world we live in.

I like this place.