Things to do when you are bored.

Color with Crayons. Preferably Those neato bathtub ones.
i love those crayons... you can use them like warpaint on naked wet skin...
masturbate, dye my hair, wax my eyebrows, shave my legs, watch tv, check lit, play Diablo or DiabloII, read, write poetry, paint, charcoal, etc, etc, etc
Read, write, sing, masturbate, play with my kitties, play with my hair, pain my toenails, post around on Lit., watch porn, clean my toys, watch movies, listen to music, play my guitar, think, bug my dad, bug Heather McHeather, and other stuff that I can't think of right now. :)
write dark fiction, post at message boards, go cruising in my car, go to an adult shop, etc.