Things momma never told me


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
that I learned at lit!

AFter you have been here a bit, you may find that you are learning new things, developing new ideas or for some, find lit is part of your personal growth.

Now, my mother never told me about nipple clips, cock rings or that spankings could be fun.

I also learned how to crop a photo as a result of lit.

MissTaken said:
that I learned at lit!

AFter you have been here a bit, you may find that you are learning new things, developing new ideas or for some, find lit is part of your personal growth.

Now, my mother never told me about nipple clips, cock rings or that spankings could be fun.

I also learned how to crop a photo as a result of lit.


yeah i don't mind posting av's of me but theres always bit's i don't want people to see ;)
bad things too..........

I've learned how hurtful I can be when I am not honest..............

MissTaken said:
that I learned at lit!

AFter you have been here a bit, you may find that you are learning new things, developing new ideas or for some, find lit is part of your personal growth.

Now, my mother never told me about nipple clips, cock rings or that spankings could be fun.

I also learned how to crop a photo as a result of lit.


Life is a long learning curve, MissT! (Fun ain't it!)
I am enjoying it. I am not sure where I am on that curve, but I hope it never stops.

And greybeard, sorry to hear that. You have learned one of life's more difficult lessons.

marksgirl said:
LMAO if I told my momma about Lit I'd have to leave Lit! :D

LOL - I was thinking the same thing - of course I'd have to go and edit everything I said first!!! I know my Dad would love a place like this - but ya'll would hate his mis-spelling!!!
bknight2602 said:
LMAO You know her? :rolleyes:

My momma never told me about the nice guys - only the assholes.

I know a couple of nice guys! ;)

Hi, BK! :kiss: